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Posts posted by t-rob

  1. nahhhh i would but i wanna party and have fun..... not drive up there, drive around for a few hours then drive home at midnite because aint a room in site.

    bein from Sac, ive been to PLENTY of Hot August Nite's.....so its no big deal if i dont go these days :D

    yah true, i was just wondering if you were gunna show up so i knew if we herd thunder to not worrie just you roaming around town..=p

    well shizz man next time you come here post something on the forums so i can finally here the hoe.. i know sad moment but everytime i know of you coming, i was workin.. but now its senior year for me (yah im only 17 lol)and im not workin but yah let me know man really interested

    but back on topic...how long did scott say it would be before you got the 18's?

  2. this is in my opinion...

    anytime someone in this world breaks a sport record they are first looked at as you cheated somehow...

    they say he took steriods, but that doesnt help you hit a ball that is less then 3 1/4" big coming at sometimes 90+mph

    or even 80mph curve balls from the best guys in the buisness....they also say well the roids he did/did not take is vision enhancing so basically he would have 20/10....

    kay so that could only help him tell what the pitch is not exactly where its gunna be or exactly the timing of when to swing...yes hes a professional baseball player but so are the guys throwing him every pitch not anything diffrent from human...he is a amazing baseball player and is exactly what everyone else is saying the hank of our time.

  3. yah after reading that i went back to ficaraudio.com and the price is good for the 2 12's so think thats what im going to do till i decide to gradualy go bigger and better. Moneys not there to spend so much when ur busy with sports and senior year of high shcool. :P guess btl's and some t2k's will have to wait

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