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Posts posted by iTech

  1. Ok, i know a very very little about pc's and computers. Im in the process of saving up some money for a lap top. I have one picked out and wondering wat you guys think about about it.


    Its mainly going to be used for is school work and internet. Im not a gamer, nor do i watch movies on computers. Whats ur oppinions on it. If you have anyother suggestions let me know. dont want to go more than $600 on a laptop.

    I've played with one before. I say get it. Not bad for the money.

  2. god id hate to be the one filling that out. my dads parents are from mexico (he was born here but as messican as they get) my moms parents are from arkansas (moms was born in michigan but as redneck as they get) that makes me ...umm... SCREWED!! lol

    leave it how you did it. if they try to deport you tell them you screwed up on the paper your white :D


    I just turned all the papers in and I asked the lady if she knew what to put, she didn't have a clue either. So I just left it blank.

  3. i think he's fileing to be the next president? :01nocomment8so: :pardon:

    Yea at age 17. I think you need to go back to school. :8)

    Looks to me like in part 2, the Central America clause ties your first answer

    to the American Indian or Alaska Native.

    Note South or Central America being mentioned in both.

    Weirdly stated Fo Sho!

    I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks this form should be burned.

  4. Alright so I'm filling out some form for High School, and stumble across a question. I'm Hispanic (Parents are Mexican,Born in Mexico) I was born in the U.S.A.

    Does that make me White?

    The paper I have asks for both Ethnicity(Hispanic/Latino or Not) & Race(American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiin or Other Pacific Islander, White).

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