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Posts posted by Bacy2k

  1. saw this on fb too lol. for the first half of the vid, i thought it was just pretend. they were so weak. then the 2nd half, you can tell theyre actually trying. i agree with what keep it low said, its pathetic that after all of them doing whatever they could, the guy was still walking. i wish i could meet all those dumb ass kids. see if 7 of them could take on somebody willing to actually even fight back...

  2. the way i see it, Rusty said it'd be here in January, so im just hoping to see it sometime within the next 2 weeks lol. that way i dont get too impatient waiting for it. hope very very soon means in a day or 2, thatd be great :) is the new site FINALLY gonna have some pics of the 7.5k, 9k, and 12k? the images have been "coming soon" for a long time now lol

  3. been patiently waiting on this to develop since i first heard of it. figured ive waited long enough, and decided to really dig into this product. just read every post in this entire section of the forum lol. was hoping there would be some good news or some realistic ETA's. Oh well, it's all good. I know this product will be up to par and well worth the wait. Ready to buy one as soon as its ready, just like i did with the DD-1. Just wondering, how will you guys be testing product quality of each individual unit?

    also....just because there is 7 slaves doesnt mean i dont have to find the correct frequency on at LEAST the first amp (master). I dont need to gain match though, or set frequency on any other amp but the master. RF handles that nicely. :pardon:

    I watched your build and videos when you put the new amps in, but i cant remember how you did it, or if you showed it... but how did you determine your master amp? did you tune them all with an o-scope and use the one with the lowest volt reading as the master?

    also, in one of your explanations on how to do that (in this thread) you said to find the amp with the highest output with the lowest distortion, and thats your master. did you mean to say use the amp with the lowest output (after all have been tuned with the dd-1 of cousrse). just curious. because what was said there contradicts what ive seen earlier.

    Cant wait for this guys! (Steve, Tony, Juan and anybody else if they havent been mentioned) :drinks:

  4. lol, i was actually in lansing when you posted that. my dad lived there for a few years, so thats where i was most of the time. he moved back to jackson in august. i went to the show in taylor on sunday. alot of people went saturday and i missed out. i got there late sunday as well, seeing how i didnt even plan on going lol. i heard a few vehicles. caught the astro as he was leaving, but no demo :( then that was it, everyone was gone.

  5. alot of people have door flex, or roof flex, but damn man, YOU GOT DAD FLEX! haha.

    Stealing this...check my sig!

    lmao. i was reading through a topic and i saw quotes with my name. i was like wtf, i didnt say anything in here. go up and see im sigged. so i went on a mission searching for this thread, cuz i knew it was from here haha. i believe this is my first time being in somebodys sig, i feel special now :drinks: haha

  6. i tried to report it as "impersonating a celebrity" but steve wasnt on the celebrities list lol. so i did it as somebody i know, and it told me to send steve a message on fb for HIM to report the imposter. so were all no help after somebody tells steve so he can report it. lol at him using an oooold ass pic for the profile pic. and he has a pic of DD in there, wtf random. he's also a fan of some knock off AA page as well lol

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