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Posts posted by Bacy2k

  1. So yeah im in someones front yard stuck on a tree.. 2:30 am no one is answerin the phone.. Tried everything to get it off the tree. Im just not sure if knocking on the persons door is the right thing to do.. I planed on getting the car off and comeing back in the morning to see what i could do about the tree.. Im sol

    so this first post was kinda confusing. i was thinking somehow, you were climbing in a random persons tree and got yourself stuck up in it. so im picturing you, sitting up in a tree, stuck. on your phone, posting to SMD about it lmao. seriously had me laughing my ass off picturing that.

  2. idk, seems like more than a hassle than its worth on both sides. one side has to ship it (shipping costs money) then the shipping back (more money). and if the one person has $125 to loan out, he has the money to buy one. and if he needed the money that bad, he wouldnt be in any place to be sending the money out then anyways. the DD is $150 right now and it would cost $15 or so to get it shipped to you, so real cost is 160-165. if youre somebody who has a system, odds are, you will switch equiptment atleast one time. it may be years, but still youd have the tool. and id be sure you know some people that would want you to tune your system for them. so there ya go, get it and charge them and make the money back and still own the product. i understand not everybodys area has a bunch of bass heads and shops on another level where you can easily find a scope or DD1 to borrow (thats how it is where i live). but there is a section on this site listing people with DD1s, scopes and term labs to help you with that. Definitely not a bad idea my man, it works, but i think the majority of the time, the other options are easier.

  3. i wouldnt say not adding 45's in the box is a "rookie mistake". its not required or completely necessary. sure it helps, but not everyone does it. if youre new to box building/designs id be willing to bet theres a good chance your design alone could be the problem. post up the specs on the box, and im sure we would be able to better help you.

  4. On a serious note.....if it feels right just go with it.....you only live once and missed opportunities can be a bitch!

    i agree with this, and a lot of other things said in here lol. my advice, embrace it. be happy. enjoy spending time with her. but most important, never let your guard down. the way you describe it all, sounds like youve got some pretty strong feelings, and thats great. she could possibly make you a better person and happier than youve ever been before. but you cant get swept away in it. keep yourself grounded and level headed, maintain your priorities, and enjoy it all the best you can :drinks:

    this advice works whether she turns out to be your wife one day, or just some psycho chick. either way, you'll get the most out of it, and you wont get hurt as bad (if she turns out to be psycho lol)

    oh yes, and post pics :popcorn:

  5. im not sure if not eating for 24hours was a good idea or not... your stomach shrinks after a while. you should be eating about now so it doesnt matter though lol. GOOD LUCK!

    oh ya, eat a lot of broccoli. you're going to need a lot of fiber to move all that red meat! lol

    that was exactly what i thought when i read he hadnt ate for 24 hours. with me, personally, if i dont eat for 24 hours, i feel full a looot faster when i finally do eat.

    and 1 kg = 2.2 lbs

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