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Posts posted by z_ro

  1. There's not a damn thing hard about quitting cold turkey. About 2 years ago I went from a pack a day to none a day and yeah, you cant help but think "damn a smoke would be good"


    about 2 years ago my son was a few months from being born and i didn't want to expose him to it. I just quit. From one day to the next i went from a pack a day to nothing at all.

    The first week absolutely sucked. They say it takes a week or two for the nicotine to completely leave your body, but i feel like i still crave it. The trick is to remember that YOU are in control. That YOU control what YOU do. 2 Years later i am happy i stopped. I would be lying if i said i didn't want one every now and then though.

  2. Looks like the car that hit him might have been speeding a little, you can see the car was in the same lane as the bus then sped up to pass the truck beside him to go around the bus, kid must not have seen that...

    naw dude in like the third or fourth shot he just darts out from the side of the bus he was on.. he was not looking AT ALL... :o

    EDIT: It's 9 minutes into the video, he also looked like he may have actually looked and just tried to beat the car :|

  3. The guy stopped when he hit her, he didn't HAVE to obviously. I know the road that he hit her on, it's a curvy road and amish walk on it all the time... they shouldn't. She was 6yo according to the paper, was trying to cross the road. The amish (at least around here) think they own everything, she probably just ran across without looking and he didn't have time to stop (or it was on a curve and no way to stop in time).

    you mean he didnt have to stop and render aid? after he hit her?

    Are you fuckin retarded?

    *Sigh* Like I tried to say.. it's not the fact that some little girl died that is good shit. It's the fact that whenever there is good shit (ex: big fire, bad wreck) I'm never there.. but whenever there is crap (little wreck where nobody should of been called - both cars still drivable and nobody hurt lol or just some smoke from a dryer) is whenever I am there :(

    The fact that you're being selfish and you're butthurt That YOU dont get to see a dead body or someone very hurt bothers the shit out of me.


    please kill yourself.

  4. what about Time from Pink Floyd?

    speaking of pink floyd ... one of my dads favorite songs to listen to on high quality stereos is called

    "Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict"

    now i have not personally listened to it in my car as my car is not really a SQ quality car, but the sounds are trippy and would probably be fun to try out lol

  5. YUP YUP, cant tell you how many times that has happened, the uglier they sound on the phone, the hotter they must be I guess.

    god knows how many times i had met someone on a chat line or something with a HAWT voice and she was a fucking whale.

    The one time that i said fuck it and met the one that sounded like a hardcore smoker... She was Incredibly hot!

    BTW we need pix of the hawt dispatcher... :spiteful::spiteful::spiteful::spiteful::spiteful:

  6. I built a box over this past weekend and i told my boy at work about it.

    He wanted a demo and i said alright. we hopped in the ride and took off.

    Needless to say the laughs he produces at the end of the vid are priceless to me :P

    Quality is not that great because it was shot on a blackberry but you get the idea lol

  7. i might cut the drain when i get home and look up inside.

    you know i remember having a problem similar to this a lil while back... half of the house drained fine but the kitchen downstairs restroom and laundry room backed up.

    It ended up being clumps of toilet paper that just clogged up the main pipe... if you can rent or have access to a snake try snaking the main pipes and see if it works.

    again keep in mind these are just suggestions.

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