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Posts posted by z_ro

  1. i could have it all in tonight if ups and fedex ever get here lol

    how do i post a vid (never done it b4)

    post the vid to youtube first off .

    then take the id of the vid (usually the letters and numbers between the = symbols.) and paste it into the

    [utube] VIDEO ID ["slash"utube] without the " around the / and youtube spelled right

    so it should look like

    EDIT: *looks up*... SHIT. lol better explanation. *points up*

  2. copied and pasted from http://herbs.lovetoknow.com/Cloves_for_Toothache

    Hope it really helps :)

    Using Cloves for Toothache Pain

    Cloves are available in different forms. The three main forms are

    * Powdered

    * Whole

    * Oil

    When you are using cloves for toothaches, any of these forms can be utilized. You may have to try a few different forms to see which you prefer.

    Ground cloves

    Most people have cloves of this type available in their kitchen pantry. To use ground cloves, take a pinch of the powder and place it between the area of the gum that hurts and the cheek. After a few moments the cloves will mix with saliva and that part of your mouth will go numb.

    Whole Cloves


    Whole cloves are the dried buds of the clove tree. They can also be used to relieve toothache pain. To use whole cloves for tooth pain, take two or three cloves and hold them in your mouth by the sore area. After a few moments they will begin to soften and you should chew them a little to soften them more. This also allows the clove oils to be released and mix with your saliva.

    Leave the cloves in place for thirty to forty minutes and then remove them. Use as needed to relieve pain.

    Oil of Cloves

    Oil of cloves can be found at most pharmacies, although you may need to ask the pharmacist for it. It is a strong anesthetic and has been used by doctors and dentists for many years. Clove oil should be used with caution. It does not take much of the oil to take care of toothache pain. To use oil of cloves straight from the bottle, you can dip a cotton swab in the oil and then carefully rub the swab around the painful area.

    This is especially effective if you are experiencing the pain from an exposed nerve. In this case, try to get the clove oil right on the nerve itself, placing the swab inside the cavity.

    Another way to use oil of cloves is to make a compress of it. To use a toothache compress:

    1. Rinse your mouth with warm Listerine or salt water.

    2. Mix a few drops of clove oil with a half teaspoon of olive oil.

    3. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and hold it on the affected tooth.

  3. when to the store got cloves, clove oil, garlic, whisky, i hope one of these works dont get to see a dentist to tomorrow

    just go easy on the clove oil. in higher doses(dont know how much) its deadly. so dont swallow a whole bottle. just dab a cotton swab and use as a topical solution around the tooth and gums...

    as far as the cloves go mash em up real good and a little tiny bit of the oil and make a paste. use it as a topical solution. just dont ingest alot of the cloves.

    my heart goes out to her ive been to the point of seriously taking 3-4 hydrocodone (not a good idea)

  4. yep by far the worst damage I've ever seen with an iphone

    do yourself a favor and get this case and a screen protector


    my phone got ran over by a car and the only thing that hapened to the phone itself was the ribbon for the screen popped off the board. a friend took the phone apart, plugged the ribbon back in, and it worked fine. the case looks like it went though a minefield and the screen protector was ruined but not a single bit of evidence on the phone itself

    best money you will ever spend

    lol yeah if you look a couple of posts up i posted that i got the black one :P

    i love the case. ive yet to have to test out the toughness of it. but i love that thing :P

  5. you are correct sir the copy i have must have been a cover i got it from someone else lol i fell dumb

    oh NAW dude dont feel dumb. i was raised on Thin Lizzy, The Beatles, The Eagles. ETC. And i started playing the guitar because of Thin Lizzy.

    If my dad wasnt just like me and jammed the shit out of EVERYTHING, i wouldnt know it either :P

    I'll see what i can do but im having problems lately with my home computer ... ill let ya know something if i can :)

    have any particular frequencies in mind?

  6. "My ex would intentionally bring me to the point of screaming and cussing her out and stop talking to her for hours or days. If she was with me, she'd cry on my shoulder, saying she felt so much closer to me now that I screamed at her. If it was over the phone she masturbated to the thought of me being verbally abusive and cuddled with a pillow that smelled like me."

    i lol'd pretty loud, that shit was funny

    lol i thought it was kinda hot lol


  7. i have a zagg case on mine, so it's very resistant and is holding the glass in place for now till i can afford to replace it. gonna get an authentic replacement off ebay and do it myself. i can run my fingers over the crack and feel it, but no glass cuts :)

    yeah be careful dude i thought i wasnt gonna cut myself too and then i sliced my finger open :(

    and yeah you could do it yourself but be careful you dont mess anything up. it can suck to ruin a phone that way lol

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