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Posts posted by z_ro

  1. the thing is at minus 30 they will freeze because there blood will slowly thicken which will slow them down. then eventually they will freeze solid then i can take my baseball bat to there heads and have some target practice.

    well see a zombie is already dead... More then likely the heart IS NOT beating which means the blood will coagulate. The zombie will eventually fall apart but they will feed until then. Most zombies have some kind of wounds where someone tried to attack them anyway so more then likely the zombies will have bled out and not have blood flowing through their veins anyway. :P

  2. I sometimes dream about the Z apocalypse....it would scary as shit but soooo much fun (except killing a loved one) at the same time! Weed wacker with butcher knives attached FTMFW!

    lmfao that would be epic. LOL. i have two machetes in my closet from a camping trip a couple of years ago. My wife tried to get me to put them in the garage and i said "what if zombies make there way in and i cant get to the .45 in time?" She laughed and thought i was joking... lol

    I may have the Llama, but nothing beats taking a whole head in one swing. lol

  3. EEEHHH it helps to speak spanish you get paid more LMAO

    But yeah cause then i understand cause i can speak it but i sure as hell isnt a expert at that shit i wish i was then id be still dating that hot ass mexicana but all she knew was spanish :angry:

    And i mean sure its mostly mexicans that are coming in now but there not the only illegals to come in also

    lol all you need to know how to do is fuck em good. you dont need to speak to em. I used to fuck around with one chick who all we did was fuck. we met through her cousin. we translated through her and shortly after just started makin out... from then on it was just sex. We could talk to each other. We just smiled and kissed. lol. Granted it only lasted like two weeks but still. lol. Meh i think she was married anyway lol

    But yeah dude. There are different dialects and shit and that shit is hardcore confusing because i was taught english first and spanish is constructed ASS backwards. lol

  4. True ....diary could have been better....but survival was just wayyyyy too low budget....even for a Zombie flick! lol Check out Zombies of Mass Destruction.....watching it now.....not too shabby and kinda funny....but then again i'll watch pretty much anything Zed related...lol

    i'll have to check it out son! And yeah i'll give Almost anything zombie related a try.

    Subscribed(such a weird thread to subscribe to lol)

    not to worried about the zombie epidemic that IS going to happen one day. there in big city's not small town's hundreds of miles from no where. if it happens around winter i'm definitely safe here in Canada lol they would freeze literally.

    Well see there in lies the problem... It always STARTS in small towns and work their way out.

    And zombie probably would not freeze. A human might die and freeze. BUT with a zombie there is no stopping. Internal organs? NO PROBLEM! they dont work! Will power is the only thing driving a zombie to eat. The instinct to hunt. but thats it. The heart MAY beat but there is no functionality. A zombie bleeds out? In order for someone to freeze they would eventually stop moving then freeze. Zombies dont stop movin unless you get that brain... :popcorn:

  5. Damn dudes calm down its old news bet you it's kids that are ignorant and misinformed shit im a Mexican-American and no matter what that is disrespectful doing that type of shit.I mean when we did a walk out we still had american and mexican flags hanging out i mean you gotta remember we are in american after all like i said its most likey those kids that did it are just misinformed on that situition so then being dumb did that OR they just forgot how to put the flag up?

    but you gotta remember there are ignorant people in the states too.

    When i i used to work at Academy i used to always have people come in who spoke to me in spanish.

    Now while i understand the language. I cant construct a sentence in it. I would constantly hear people ask why i didnt speak spanish. Asked if i was hispanic. Yeah but i never learned it.

    Then i would hear those same people saying how much of a joke i was to mexicans. I would hear people tell me to learn spanish because mexicans are taking over the states anyway. My response was always I may not be able to speak to you but i can unserstand you. I live in Tx. Last time i checked, Tx was in AMERICA. Some dude took offense once and i literally got written up for not being able to communicate with the customer correctly. :| :ehh:

  6. We are long lost brothers! (only i illegally downloaded the ebook...lol)

    LMFAO WE ARE!!!!!

    Sofaking this!!!!!!!!! Though i did enjoy the Dawn of the Dead remake......you seen Romero's new "Survival of the Dead" ? I was dissapointed :(

    All of the remakes were pretty good. They werent great but they werent bad either.

    Now these newer movies that were never made to begin with and are just an extension of the zombie idea suck!

    Diary of the dead i bought because it WAS romero... Worst piece of shit ever!

    The only reason why i didnt watch survival was because i knew it followed characters from the first piece of shit lol.

  7. Ok so you are talking about like I can run really fast and I'm gonna eat your whole family and turn them against you Zombies. Not like that old Cranberries song or Rob Zombie (second best live performer I have seen).

    Yeah if Zombies were to ever come I that would be the day I piss my pants. If they are like Night of the Living Dead Zombies, then fuck them slow bastards but if they are the ones that move all fast and shit, I'm fucked. I'm fat, nothing more to say

    LMFAO @ cranberries song. lol

    The thing about zombies running fast is that they dont fit the usual zombie persona.

    You have a regular zombie who has no problem with stamina because they are not running. They dont get tired. They could walk until their feet fell off...

    These running zombies got to be getting that breathe from somewhere.

    Im jussayin... There is no such thing as a zombie doing Parkour(freerunning).

  8. I bought the zombie survival guide sometime back and cannot express to you enough how ready i am for a zombie apocalypse. I own just about every Zombie movie known to man. and play every zombie game there is lol. Everything from zombies ate my neighbors to dead rising to left4dead(1&2) When my sister introduced me to her boyfriend she said "this is my brother. He's obsessed with zombies. lol

  9. You know i try to be a proud latin american(born and raised in HOUSTON but don't even speak a lick of spanish lol), BUT, shit like this is pretty fucked up.

    The part that gets me is because i was born here i am an american first, and disagree with alot of the "RIGHTS" that the illegal immigrants DEMAND.

    GTFO of here. What rights do any of those fucktards have in a country they don't belong to?

    It's shit like this that makes me ashamed to say I'm latino. :(

  10. at first i was like fuck man another one....

    then i ROFLed lol

    me and wifey had to vow not to prank each other this year. A few years back i was picking her up and had my sister throw some makeup on my neck to make it look like a hickey. I threw a shirt over my neck and she knew something was up... The tears in her eyes when she saw it... :(

    I laughed licked my finger and WIPED the hickey away and she was like WTF? I told her and she slapped me lol.

    The following year she told me some guy at her school had kissed her and she didnt fight him off. I got pissed hung up and was on my way to her college. She kept calling me and i was speeding the whole way. when i got there she told me it was an april fools joke. OH MAN i was pissed. lol

    We always do stupid shit like that lol.

  11. http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/different-kind-of-company-name.html

    A different kind of company name

    4/01/2010 12:01:00 AM

    Early last month the mayor of Topeka, Kansas stunned the world by announcing that his city was changing its name to Google. We’ve been wondering ever since how best to honor that moving gesture. Today we are pleased to announce that as of 1AM (Central Daylight Time) April 1st, Google has officially changed our name to Topeka.


    We didn’t reach this decision lightly; after all, we had a fair amount of brand equity tied up in our old name. But the more we surfed around (the former) Topeka’s municipal website, the more kinship we felt with this fine city at the edge of the Great Plains.

    In fact, Topeka, er Google Mayor Bill Bunten expressed it best: “Don’t be fooled. Even Google recognizes that all roads lead to Kansas, not just yellow brick ones.”

    For 150 years, its fortuitous location at the confluence of the Kansas River and the Oregon Trail has made the city formerly known as Topeka a key jumping-off point to the new world of the West, just as for 150 months the company formerly known as Google has been a key jumping-off point to the new world of the web. When in 1858 a crucial bridge built across the Kansas River was destroyed by flooding mere months later, it was promptly rebuilt — and we too are accustomed to releasing 2.0 versions of software after stormy feedback on our ‘beta’ releases. And just as the town's nickname is "Top City," and the word “topeka” itself derives from a term used by the Kansa and Ioway tribes to refer to “a good place to dig for potatoes,” we’d like to think that our website is one of the web's top places to dig for information.

    In the early 20th century, the former Topeka enjoyed a remarkable run of political prominence, gracing the nation with Margaret Hill McCarter, the first woman to address a national political convention (1920, Republican); Charles Curtis, the only Native American ever to serve as vice president (’29 to ‘33, under Herbert Hoover); Carrie Nation, leader of the old temperance movement (and wielder of American history’s most famous hatchet); and, most important, Alfred E. Neuman, arguably the most influential figure to an entire generation of Americans. We couldn’t be happier to add our own chapter to this storied history.

    A change this dramatic won’t happen without consequences, perhaps even some disruptions. Here are a few of the thorny issues that we hope everyone in the broader Topeka community will bear in mind as we begin one of the most important transitions in our company’s history:

    *Correspondence to both our corporate headquarters and offices around the world should now be addressed to Topeka Inc., but otherwise can be addressed normally.

    *Google employees once known as “Googlers” should now be referred to as either “Topekers” or “Topekans,” depending on the result of a board meeting that’s ongoing at this hour. Whatever the outcome, the conclusion is clear: we aren’t in Google anymore.

    *Our new product names will take some getting used to. For instance, we’ll have to assure users of Topeka News and Topeka Maps that these services will continue to offer news and local information from across the globe.

    *Topeka Talk, similarly, is an instant messaging product, not, say, a folksy midwestern morning show. And Project Virgle, our co-venture with Richard Branson and Virgin to launch the first permanent human colony on Mars, will henceforth be known as Project Vireka.

    *We don’t really know what to tell Oliver Google Kai’s parents, except that, if you ask us, Oliver Topeka Kai would be a charming name for their little boy.

    *As our lawyers remind us, branded product names can achieve such popularity as to risk losing their trademark status (see cellophane, zippers, trampolines, et al). So we hope all of you will do your best to remember our new name’s proper usage:


    Finally, we want to be clear that this initiative is a one-shot deal that will have no bearing on which municipalities are chosen to participate in our experimental ultra-high-speed broadband project, to which Google, Kansas has been just one of many communities to apply.

    Posted by Eric Schmidt, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Topeka Inc.

  12. wow, totally was surprising considering the heavy asian accent she had before she started singing

    you can kinda still hear it when she starts singing..

    Shes kinda hot as well but she looks like she would sound like a gerbil if you were fucking her.

  13. While it's sad how this situation ended up I completely agree with you.

    My wife teaches 7th & 8th graders and it's unreal the amount of crap they get away with these days. It's just as shame that parents can't accept responsibility for their children anymore and think that their kids are the schools problem. That is until the schools try to punish the kids or accuse them of wrong doing and then the parents flip. To take that even further parents want their kid labeled with a disability if they aren't popular, if they don't do well in school, if they are lazy... People often talk about the rise in autism, attention disorders, and the like and use those conditions to let their kids get away with murder when there are kids out there that really are disabled.

    Sorry to get off topic there; kids will be kids. It's not easy growing up but those experiences help mold who we are. I sure as hell didn't get along with everyone and got in my share of fights, arguments, heart break, and the like. If I had gone to my mom and said "mom these kids are bullying me" she would have made me handle it and the administration back then (the 90's) was the same way. Kids have many avenues available to them and while I normally chose to fight often times my friends would diffuse the situation before I even knew there was one.

    Some people just can't handle the stress and while I know it strikes a nerve hearing that it's the harsh reality. All of us handled things differently. I had friends who if picked on just ignored it, others would throw words back, others would tell on them (bad idea), and others (like me) would attack them physically. I know (again) in this day and age you don't want kids doing that sort of thing, but let's be honest here. The only real way to stop a bully is to shut their big fat mouth. It can be a slippery slope to deal with, but they are valuable lessons because jerks don't stop being jerks once they leave high school.

    People say "How could this have been prevented!?" well it couldn't have been. The girl obviously had serious issues and the kids giving her problems were more than likely not even the last straw. Maybe the parents could have been more supportive, maybe the school could have done more, maybe her friends (if she had any) should have stepped in, maybe the kids bulling her needed their butts kicked, or maybe this girl just had deeply rooted problems that we will never understand. Some people are just broken and unfortunately if she had taken her life and no one was treating her badly they would have found something else to blame it on (parents divorce, grandma that died, Alice Cooper, Country music, failing a test, whatever).

    Anyways sorry to ramble guys, but honestly laws like this shouldn't exist. There should be more leeway between a kid being called names and being harassed especially since in the real world as an adult you are forced to deal with situations like this on your own. As usual we are working hard to make sure our kids are clueless on how the world works. Too much sheltering of our children results in kids that either lash out as adults, wind up in jail, or worse. These handy labels that they give out these days won't keep your kid out of trouble once they hit 18 and the sooner they learn how the world works the better.

    I agree with some of these things.

    But at the same time you're talking about Modern times. Where a person who may have been dealt with comes back with a GUN. Think back to American History X. While that was a movie the ending is ALL too real.

    You say these "KIDS" deserve leeway because after all they are just kids. These days however, kids are no longer kids.

    All of these "KIDS" are 16 and older. Some Adults by law.

    Sean Mulveyhill, 17, of South Hadley. Charged with statutory rape, violation of civil rights resulting in bodily injury, criminal harassment and disturbance of a school assembly.

    -- Kayla Narey, 17, of South Hadley. Charged with violation of civil rights resulting in bodily injury, criminal harassment and disturbance of a school assembly.

    -- Austin Renaud, 18, of Springfield. Charged with statutory rape.

    -- Ashley Longe, 16, of South Hadley. Charged as a youthful offender with violation of civil rights resulting in bodily injury.

    -- Sharon Chanon Velazquez, 16, of South Hadley. Charged as a youthful offender with stalking and violation of civil rights resulting in bodily injury.

    -- Flannery Mullins, 16, of South Hadley. Charged as a youthful offender with stalking and violation of civil rights resulting in bodily injury.

    Three 16-year-old South Hadley girls, whose names were not released, face delinquency charges that include the civil rights offense, criminal harassment and disturbance of a school assembly.

    Stalking? I mean come on! if someone so much as shows up to your house unwanted these days a person can get a restraining order lol.

    True the girl may have had some psychological problems but we are not talking about middle school NA-NA-NA-boo-boo picking on. We are talkin harrasment. Borderline assault. STATUTORY RAPE!

    ALL grown up problems. These kids KNEW between right an wrong.

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