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Posts posted by z_ro

  1. ok Being a person who grew up listening to Slowed and chopped music... and has made his own slowed and chopped music...

    I'm sorry dude it sounds SLOPPY.

    1. I'm not feeling different pitches at different times.

    2. your chops are not considered chops. All your chops are doing is bringing the music back at the same spot.

    lets me try to explain the way chops work.

    Lets say you have a four count:


    You want to chop those counts. you dont go:

    - Thats five counts now. Which is what's goin on with your chops.
    - is What you want to happen. The chops go forward a count and then back a count so you get the second count twice.

    Is that too confusing to anyone?

    lets say you want continuous chops for lets say a 8 count


    every other beat brought back once and then played at their spot in their actual real time place.

    Lets put this theory to music.

    The lucky charms theme....

    you dont go.

    frosted frosted lucky charms charms, their magically magically delicious delicious.

    thats too many counts

    lets say it's an eight count chopped every other count.

    Frosted frosted charm charm magic magic licous licous.

    say it in your head and see if it sounds right to you.

    The words don't finish but that's because they are in the middle of a count.

    I know i've completely confused everyone but i hope some one understood it.

    On top of everything i really only heard like maybe three chops on the first download. If you just referred to the act of slowing the music down as screwed and chopped then you made a mistake. Screwing(slowing) is the act of slowing it down. Chopping is the act of chopping the beats.

  2. My amp itself is a beast and i KNOW the SA-12's I'm gonna order are gonna be Beasts as well.

    I recommend sundown to most people i know or meet who are looking to build in the future.

    I wear my sundown shirt twice a week usually early in the week and again on the weekends just to see if it gets any traffic on the website. That's how much i Preach about this product. :P

    Sundown FTMFW!

  3. I was 25 when i moved out. My wife and I moved into her Grandmothers house(we are buying it)When my son was born because its a 6 bedroom house And thats not including my soon to be game room. :P

    The only reason i stayed so long was because my dad didnt want me to leave him alone with my sisters and mother. lol

    Instead i moved into the house next door(same property they owned both houses...but it was just a really TINY house) and when my son was born we thought we wouldn't even be able to have his room so we set up over here at grandma's.

    From the time i was able to work till i moved out i helped my dad with his bills and payed my own bills also. My bills were no where near as extensive as his so i payed my few things and helped pops out as much as possible. Moms has arthritis in her wrists and has diabetes to boot so she cant do much these days. :(

    as of now i am still in a bit of debt but i can handle it myself. Just no money for toys. Eventually I'll be able to play but for now i upgrade by saving a little at a time. :)

  4. you don't need to be a gigging musician or even a public one to enjoy good tube tone. I never play in front of a crowd and rarely turn it up louder then a tv.

    And to the guy asking about stacks. Yes stacks have a slightly thicker tone due to more cone area, but most people don't need a stack or a half stack, hell even gigging musicians can mic their single/double speaker combo amp into the venue's pa.

    oh dont get me wrong dude, i enjoy a nice tube tone. When i get my Dad's old princeton reverb up and runnin again i'll be playing the shit out of those things through that amp.

    As far as the halfstack goes, Pops bought it for me without thinking it would be a solid state amp. I didn't have the heart to tell the old man to take the thing back.

    And the line 6 was bought when i was into alot of harder music. Wifey liked the price and we said fuck it.

    I happen to think that these amps are not bad sounding for solid state amps. Especially when i am just riffing to bullshit. lol

  5. Alright bishes.....meet the other side of Twisted.......

    Pink one is my wifes...lol....far right is my first guitar from when i was 16!


    My main squeeze......



    Little bit of temp gear...been out the game for a while....


    My wifes box and one of my Ibanez guitars......



    mmmm Love me some ibanez guitars.

    When i got into metal a few years back all i ever played on were Ibanez RG series guitars. :good:

  6. Kinda off topic, but kinda not. I've been wanting to play an acoustic for years but never got around to it. Can any recommend me an acoustic guitar to start out with? I wanna keep it around 200 bucks until I get better. I've been looking at some fenders but I'm open to anything. Also, how did you guys learn to play and what do you think the best way is?

    you know dude... those two Ibanez acoustics are around that price range and the orange burst colored one has the perfect tone.

    Honestly i would suggest getting lessons. buy yourself a chord book and study those chords. at first it will be frustrating but i promise it will get better. All music revolves around some kind of chords. I learned by ear and while i can play that way, i could not play you any chords to save my life. Oh and kiss your fingertips goodbye if they are not callused already. lol. If you learn to play on an acoustic though, you can play just about any type of guitar later on. :)

    Goodluck with it. :)

  7. my dad has an original 62 strat with the sun burst just like that one. its in mint condition . every year a collector calls and offers him more $. last year the offer was 20,000.00.

    ive tried but dont have dexterity so heres my collection

    awesome. lol and yeah dude its just about patience. I taught myself and have gotten frustrated so many times before.

    Ive also had seven songs stolen from me by a couple of so called friends. one of them had some of the songs copyrighted... and then the band broke up... :|

    It pisses me off.

    and omfg the rest of yalls axes are sexy as fuck!

  8. This is a mark II My wife's grandfather gave her before he passed. Nice tone but bulky then a bitch!


    This is a acoustic my wife bought me some years ago as my first acoustic. Nice tone but the action was tooooo high.


    My LOW tuned Ibanez RG5ex1. Mostly metal and some dimebag type squeals come out of this machine. lol


    My dad bought me this Marshall halfstack as a birthday gift about five years ago.(He always wanted one :P)


    I also have a 15 Watt marshall amp that i lent my dad.

    My main Metal guitar Ibanez RG2Ex1. LOVE this guitar.


    My metal practice amp. Heavy tone. and a nice clean sound too.


    My main Acoustic guitar. I bought it for my dad a couple of years ago and he preferred the telecaster i bought him also.


    And MY PRIDE AND JOY.... 1967 Fender Stratocaster (not a reissue) My dad bought this thing when he was a teenager.

    And he passed it on to me:)





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