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Posts posted by Alexdb7

  1. Anyone know any good amp to power a 1600 watt subwoofer that wont break my budget or be horrible in performance i want to know a good one and personal message me!

    I really like my Hifonics amps. some people would disagree with me on here but its just an opinion. look around on ebay you can get awesome deals on amps.

    also check out AudioQue


  2. i will and to the guy who said "steve meades fantasy factory" - i wasnt even thinkin cars i was thinkin half-pipe for the kids (and me :D) and a tall ass basketball hoop :D at least regulation hoop for sure. Sucks i gotta go to my normal job all day when i wanna be there now!! i wish i was there right this minute but im so tired from all the excitement. I made a little tour vid of the place its rendering now.

    hell yeah man! you get that hookup with MTV you can quit your day job and chill there all day! but for real, i hope this goes great for you man. this is actually my dream, im in an entrepreneurship class and my business i have to create all year is a customs shop :D

  3. Hey Steve, love the new paint! also have you looked into getting OEM sized bulbs with LED's in them? my dad just got a pair off ebay for pretty cheap for his motorcycle and they look GREAT! i dont know what size you need but heres an example if you dont know what im talking about :D


  4. ya, you know when your all excited and your gut starts to ache and then you head to the bathroom expecting the big one......and its like "plink" just one pebble. LOL - ok back on topic im tryin to go thru these pics. Its hard not to take 50 of the same thing due to how good it looks.

    haha thats wayy TMI!!! i wanna see MOAR

  5. I understand when someone is trying to help, but we all come to this forum as a way to mingle or whatnot with out own kind. Does anyone in here go to the mall or the movies and yell at and mock other there? no so why should be do it here? were here to help each other and sometimes yes, share out own opinions. This forum is nothing like the little kids on youtube....HAHA anyone with youtube experience KNOWS what im talking about... heres something to add to the fun :D


  6. if you want something on a budget try a local junk yard, most of them test the batteries they take out of cars and they keep the decent ones. my local scrap yard sells em $20 each. just letting ya know, not completely recommended but they get the job done for CHEAP!

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