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Posts posted by grizzleyadams69

  1. does anyone know if they run big, small, or average sized compared to most t shirts? im 6' and 175 lbs. ive always been boarderline with medium and large sized shirts, and obviously i cant just try it on. not looking for a super tight fit, nor a super loose fit. if it matters, im 18, so maybe that helps with the idea of the kind of fit a kid my age likes. need some input before i place my order. thanks.

  2. This one is funny...

    "Dick Cheney, oh my God, he's a scary man, scares me to death. I tell my kids, I says, 'Look, if two cars pull up, and one has a stranger, and the other car has Dick Cheney, you get in the car with the stranger.'"

    But they should have booked Dave Chapell, at least people know who he is and he tells jokes. She was actually politically grand standing while The president was flat out making fun of himself and Biden. I'm sure we won't be hearing from her soon... except maybe on the view.

    if u watch comedy, u should know who wanda sykes is. normally she is funny.

  3. A smaller box will raise the mechanical limits of the subs...I would go with DC just because of the customer service. I emailed Rusty about running LVL 5's and I had an email back in about 10 minutes, really great guy.

    yeah ive exchanged emails with him, hes been very prompt with getting back to me. and about the box, i thought a smaller box would restrict the subs more than a larger box, hence making them less efficient. so thatd be pretty much the same as having a big box while keeping the power down, right?

  4. either option you go with will do very good, i like DC because of the customization you can do to the dust cap, and the DC logo. Both are very good subs

    yeah i asked this question before and everyone seems to say the same thing. i got my taste of Fi, and i liked it, but i kind of think i might wanna try dc just so i can expose myself to new brands. in my high school of 2200 kids, theres about 5 kids with systems and im the only one not running sony explodes lol. so i dont really have any exposure to anything other than my audiobahns, fi, and a friends mtx.

  5. i have 2 fi bl's on stock electric right now. im lookin at getting an explorer soon and running my first big boy system. im thinking 2 18" btl's or level 5's. prolly each in their own 7 cube box tuned to 34ish hz with an AQ 3500d on each of them. this is for daily use only. idc about comps. i want some input on if i should run the btl or the level 5.

  6. i know for a fact a level 5 can take 3000 daily however like any other speaker it depends on the box for example putting a 12 in a 7 cube box tuned to 40 playing a song with 28 hertz notes with out the subsonic could kill it with 1000 watts but same sub in 3 cubic ft. tuned to 32 with the subsonic set to 30 could take 3000 daily no problem.


  7. I think so, but the level 5 is just a all around power handlin mofo

    i know it can take rediculous amounts of power for a few minutes, but im just wondering if itd be safe to bump with 3k going to it for hours at a time. obviously the level 5 leans towards spl, but does it still sound good on music?

  8. ive searched every torrent i can find, frostwire, and i even resorted to itunes ( <--- o shit), and i STILL couldnt find this song anywhere to download. can someone PLEASE give me a link to a site that has this song so i can download it. im getting really frustrated and its driving me FUCKING INSANE! S;KLDJFS;DKLFKJ;LDSJDFK;L HELP!!@!@! and thank you in advance!

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