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Posts posted by LHatt

  1. how many processes do you have running, how much ram, etc.

    go to run > msconfig and see what you have under startup items, uncheck unneeded crap... uncheck things like windows defender, shit like that that is using resources that you dont need them to be. i dont have shit running on mine except antivirus, i hate extra stuff running in the background if im not actually using the program lol

    i have my startup programs down to what i need, got 3gbs of ram, and a 2.0GHz processor, does windows defender slow it down that much?, becaause that is what im using to protect my computer, i had a free trial of windows live onecare but it expired like a week ago and i had to switch back to windows defender

  2. This is part of an article from "Motorists' pet hates" on Yahoo

    4) Boy racers' bass bins

    You're stuck in traffic and a heavily-modified hatchback pulls beside you. The ground starts to shake and a standing wave of noise rattles your windows.

    It is a scientific fact that the quality of music played in a car is inversely proportional to the volume at which it is played. So the chances are, if music from a car in the next lane is so loud you can feel it through your brake pedal, it's going to be a moronic barrage of whistles, clicks and low frequency excretions.

    What can you do about it? Absolutely nothing. The boy racer thrives on disapproval. Wind up your window theatrically and he (and it will inevitably be a 'he') will open his windows wider and set his bass to 'destroy'. All you can do is sit back, wait for the traffic to pass and gloat at how much he must be spending on insurance, and that the resale value of his car will be a fraction of what he spent on in-car entertainment.

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