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Posts posted by unhealthy

  1. While it is true that sometimes when people separate then get back together, they are doomed to repeat. It is also true, that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Maybe being apart for a while is what you guys needed to make you realize what you want. I don't know if it would work or not, but i guarantee if you don't give it another chance you will regret it for the rest of your life. You will always wonder "what if?".

    I can tell by reading your posts that you are in love with her, and I can tell that if the decision did not involve outside opinions you would go back with her in a heartbeat. So my advice is follow your heart, you cant let the opinions of her family ruin your chance. You need to realize that you, her, and your daughter are a family also. Her parents are a part of your families extended family. Maybe, you could try to change their mind about you, if they don't accept you, then that is their problem. Any parent who would not at least attempt to support their daughters decision, even if they do not agree, has their own issues to deal with.

    If you do decide to get back with her, the most important thing you both need to learn, is how to not let small issues become big. Overlook the little stuff and focus on the good parts of your relationship, don't dwell on the fights and arguments.

    Basically if I was you, I would sit down with her, I would tell her exactly how I felt. I would explain that i want to give it another chance and if she feels the same, I would go for it and see what happens. If it does work out, her parents would come around eventually, especially if you make an effort to make their daughter happy. It takes very little effort to do a few small things a day to show someone you care, and obviously you guys' daughter would be better off with mommy and daddy together and happy.


    / Dr. Phil-like ramblings

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