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Posts posted by cmamtower

  1. My link

    anyone know what this is all about? i clicked on some random video and this came up...

    Edit: the link wont even work now, so im not sure whats going on, it says "500 Internal Server Error

    Sorry, something went wrong.

    A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

    Also, please include the following information in your error report:" and then theres a whole page of letters and numbers.

  2. i go to shops only to get dash kits when i dont feel like waiting 2 weeks after ordering online, half the time they tell me i dont need what i ask for. but i know i do, so i just play it off like they're right, then come back with a super smart ass remark like "well you said i dont have keyless entry on my car, why the hell do i have a key fob then in my pocket? lol done this with my car and a friends of mines order for his car. and they also jack off to jl audio and say a 1000.1 will rape a rft1k... they got a girl down there that prettty much shoves jl audio inside of her. and her dad and whatever other guy that works there wish the subs had deeper pole vents so they could have sex with the subs lol

  3. Yeah lmao. Except she's really good at fake crying, she was playing my ass all day too. Saying she didnt feel good and felt like she needed to puke, then calls me with this shit "I think I figured out why I have felt so shitty all day.." "I'm Pregnant sean.. **sob sob sob**" I nearly shat myself :bull:

    im expecting to hear the same thing tomorrow with my girlfriend b/c of april fools, not really prego, difference is im gonna get her here in an hour or so with something a little too over the top and completely unneccesary lol not sure what though

  4. Im fuckin addicted. More addicted at this point in time than car audio. I just spent 6 out of my last 7 days going to pool halls and practicing/playing. I know this is a little extreme but it takes a lot to get good.

    Anyone else shoot pool or in a leage? Im in APA now..its pretty fun...unless u play like shit that night :P

    used to go to a bar with my mom and stepdad when they lived around here almost every other night, got wings and put 5 bucks on the table per game, won some, lost some, but once i started becoming broke, i wanted to make that money back, so i started playing better lol it does get addicting. i went out and got a $40 pool stick, just to have something to use thats better than the house sticks. havent played much lately though since they moved about 2 hours away, and school and all.

  5. do you race?? lol i love racing cars like yours!!! mostly cause every other high school kid thinks their is is the quickest shit on the block and almost every honda is slow as balls to me unlees you turbo it. anyways hurry up and drop it in to get bumpin bro good luck

    well, my car isn't SLOW slow, but its by no means as fast as my friends gsx or evo. buy it does stomp some b16's into the ground : ) and as for getting the motor in to start bumping again... i sold my bl and t1k to buy the new motor : ( so all i have is highs.. but i'll just be glad to drive it again

  6. me and my stepdad split 1/2 bottle of jager, 18 beers, some kaluah (sp?) some boones farm wine (cheap and good) 1/3 of jack, and i couldnt move my legs after that, i should have stopped after the first 2 shots of jager and first 3 beers in order to retain from getting a hangover, but i was drunk by then and didnt know to stop. but anyways i had to crawl from the back porch to the living room, made it to the kitchen (10 feet from the back porch) and finally passed out lol somehow i felt fine the next day though. after all, we were celibrating him and my mom getting married. and also, mom was pissed we drank all her alcohol lol, what im trying to get at is 2 shots, 2 beers and you should be getting tipsy. though i should share a nice story with that, just for the hell of it and im bored as crap even though its 5 AM

  7. My buddies dad has an observatory in his back yard, check out some of his pictures the make for great backgrounds,


    the pictures on there are freaking amazing lol i've always wanted a telescope, but i never seem to find the money to buy one. whenever i get a good paying job and my own house i'll be sure to put in a kind of "sun room" with a telescope in there. space is so amusing and interesting : D

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