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Posts posted by cmamtower

  1. could it be this movie?


    wow might not be this one cause this is the movie i was thinking of cause they escape or try to from some where idk

    thank both you guys, i was pulling my hair out trying to find out what this movie was.. its not even a great movie, but i just needed to know what it was lol now its time to watch it and get bored.

  2. a few years back there was a movie where they cloned people or something and used them as parts for people in the outside world who need them,then a few of the people excape and the company starts looking for them, i think. honestly i have no clue lol i just remember watching it way back when. i dont even think its all that great of a movie, i just wanna know what its called, this has been bugging me for 2 weeks now and my girlfriend thinks im half retarded because she's never heard of such a thing lol any help would be appreciated

  3. There's not a damn thing hard about quitting cold turkey. About 2 years ago I went from a pack a day to none a day and yeah, you cant help but think "damn a smoke would be good" but at the time I had a good reason to quit. About 2 months later, my reason ceased to be a reason anymore and I started back up. Been on unfiltered lucky strikes since about august, at over a pack day and I'm considering quitting temporarily. $8 a pack and say 4 packs every 3 days, is ALOT of money. Don't get me wrong, I love my cigarettes, but you gotta have something motivate you to quit.

    I'm hoping to be successful about quitting now, I'm in the market for a new gun. :)


    Springfield armory XDm .40

    Oh yeah! :D

    my motivation is my car and girlfriend, but they both seem to piss me off which causes me stress, and therefore........ lol

  4. Fuck the smell of smoke. I smell like smoke every fucking day and i don't even smoke but my whole family smokes and its really annoying when people are like "Man you smell like smoke"

    i have smoking and drinking in my dna. i dont drink, gave that crap up because i think its pointless basically, no offense to anyone. my mom and stepdad smoke. so everytime im there or working on my car, down goes a pack of smokes. hell sometimes i do it just because im bored or pissed off. kinda stupid if you ask me. i quit once a year ago for about 3 months but somehow i got back on it. the only reason i started dipping was because i was in high school and needed something to keep me buzzed through the day. but now im in college and before and after every class, i light one up, dont even need it half the time. its just a habit i guess.

  5. so i was on my way home from my girlfriends house, and the retardedness from smoking came to my mind.. im not sure what came over me, but i pulled out a half of a pack of cigarettes from my jacket and the one i was smoking, and just chucked them both out the window without even thinking about it. i never really started smoking until i started working on cars. which causes stress, but working on cars, motors, and systems relives me of the stress i have from other things. i still dip (cope longcut) but the smoking has to go. i don't like smelling like smoke anymore. i would like my foods to actually taste like foods and not cardboard. and i would love to keep my lungs for the rest of my life. me and Aundrea (my girlfriend) made a bet that i would quit before summer, she thinks i couldn't. so I'm gonna show her wrong. and prove to myself i have the motivation to quit by myself. so wish me luck, im gonna need it lol also, are there any tips on stopping cold turkey? or should i just ween myself off of them slowly?

  6. ordered mine about a month ago, got 55w 5k and 35w 3k for fogs. installed in about a half hour (took time to run harness) and the ballast went out on one side, i even switched them and it still doesnt work, i know its not the wiring because i hooked up a different ballast to it and it fired right up. so now i have to send my one ballast back, but other than that, the hi/low kits have kinda a cutoff line to them because of the shield on them. I dont blind too many cars with the low beams, but the high beams are very bright lol so anyways. i'll have to send the one ballast back and wait about a week or two for them to send me my new one

  7. I usually keep my hand on my bass knob while going down main street in my town.. its pretty much this packed street with blind parking so whenever I see white lights i just turn the knob up to let them know im there.. It has saved me a lot of trouble lol

    if you actually had a system.. you dont even have your damn hc1400 in your car yet lol im selling my box tomorrow so i wont have bump : ( well hell, my car dont even run lol

  8. thank god my ups guy is good to me and my friends, knows us by name and stops to chat every now and then, never got a package that hasnt been harmed, i've only had to file complaints one one package, and it was some mexican driver. it was only a pair of shoes, but the package looked like it had been sat on by a few hundred pounds of stuff. required signature, but they signed it themselves i guess and left

  9. i dont think that comes off :huh: i would sell them and buy new ones. def a different look tho.

    it comes off, its something sprayed on the insides of the headlights.. even the most jdm guys i know have no clue what this stuff is. and you sure as hell cant find it anywhere.. i know of one other guy with it on his honda and this was on a post from 4 years ago on a now dead forum... i like my headlights : )

  10. i have these headlights on my civic. but not sure what exactly is on the inside of the lenses that makes them look this way. tried and tried to look it up but found one picture on and old forum but said nothing about them or what exactly it is. the reason im asking is because i kinda like the way they look, but the right one is kinda cracking off on the inside and i wanna maybe redo it. any help would be greatly appreciated : )


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