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Posts posted by cmamtower

  1. well, obviously the pipe didnt rip the fuck off. or I would have heard it dragging along the ground. its just a 4 banger man, they arent that loud to begin with unless you have a ricer ass exhaust on the back...which most likely is what Im going to have to do cuz I dont have 500-800 bucks for a nice one.

    please god no fart cans, worst comes worst just use a stock muffler off of some other honda at the junkyard. dont put that loud annoying fart can shit on anything, ecpecially an "import"

    if i had the choice between a 30 dollar fart can on egay and a 80 dollar stock muffler, i would save up that little extra money to get the stock muffler to save myself some dignity lol

  2. so in looking at some springs for my car... these say -1.75" front and rear.... is that actually a physical 1.75" drop between the tire and fender well?


    they will lower your car 1.75". so technically yes, i suppose. but i wouldnt go with lowering spring on stock shocks, you'll hate your life in about 5k miles.

    this is something i wouldnt cheap out on just for looks, i have tein s tech springs and matching shocks. they're made for each other like peanut butter and jelly.

    you dont want to feel like your either jumping on a trampoline or riding on a wagon with plastic wheels. you want to try to get the factory feel, but just a little lower and tighter feeling

    im tired, been working on my car for the past 4 hours with only an hour of sleep last night so if you need more help with this gimme a little while until i come to fully haha

  3. Nice shipping wouldnt cost that much lol :P are you experienced in making boxes :P

    hahahahaha, no not really lol i usually get wL<3bass to make the boxes and designs for me. he lives around here as well.

    but if i were to get the cutsheet (list of all dimensions) i'd be able to cut it, assemble, roundover the outside corners and paint it to your liking or cover it in whatever fabric.

    but the main problem is, i have no way of getting any mdf. i dont even have a car right now, and probably wont for a week or two

    edit: im box design retarded, so theres my problem with it. i can do externals dimensions aka built to fit enclosures and suitable sizes for whatever vehicle, but for tuning and such, im pretty much lost lol

  4. I do remember meh telling yu in chat that I had financial problems and never built the box and I promissed that I'd pay the 15 or 10 that yu asked for. I haven't forgot I've been in a whole for a good bit of time. Yu also said don't sweat it correct meh if I'm wrong yu said np I do designs for lots of people.... So please tell me why the hate? I know yu never said any charge from the beginning of the design yu made yu said email I sent yu my email and yu sent it without saying any price when I was almost ready for the build on the box. I sent yu a message saying how much for the design. Yu never said anything about price. I did. What about if i never had said how much? Right after I ran into the situation. I sent yu a message saying I had money problems. Now please tell me why yu can't respect the fact that I can't even pay 15 or 10 right now cuz every penny is 83884 dollars for meh?? If anyone wants to help meh cool if not I guess it will still have to be cool cuz I can't do nothing about it. Since someone had to call meh out like that

    Meh and yu and yu and meh

    No matter how they toss the dice, it has to be

    The only one for meh is yu, and yu for meh

    So happy together

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