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Posts posted by BIGD502

  1. im also looking into that and im pretty sure im going to go eventually but i have to figure out what im doing with my life first but heres a few ive found so far

    http://www.mobiledynamics.com/main/phoenix/pages/main_8.aspx this ones in Arizona.

    http://www.stereoschool.com/houston/ this ones in texas from what i read they have a joint thing going on with the student loan people so you can take out extra for your housing and food and what not.

    and then like said installers institute

    but i know im lookin into the second one its called acoustic edge and its the closest one to me im in kentucky and has allot to offer from what ive read on it and they have multiple 4 week courses and you can do a single one or all of them

  2. totally opposite! it is very few things that keep you out the army ! the military itself is hurting for numbers so alot of things actually wont keep you out . im almost positive that wont keep you out. we look for more of the brain,vascular or muscular skeletal defects. you can still perform your job your good.

    you said vascular ouch its called a vascular malformation and basically its a huge clump of blood vessels in my leg and theyre wraped around my sciotic nerve so idk what to do

  3. my reasons are simply one that theres something good to be said about a man willing to die for his country,two my grandpa has 10x more respect for anyone willing to die for his countrey and his respect means more to me than the popes, three i myself will feal good about defending my country, and three i think even though it can be rough i think i can take it and make the best out of it for my future.

    but now that i have 9 more months left before i can join my mother and a few other people are telling me because i have a growth in my leg called a vascular malformation which is a huge clump of blood vessels about the size of a cantalope and it keeps comin back everytime i have it removed and removing it is very complex that they wont let me join because its a huge risk if i even sit on board and a nail goe into it im dead unless im rushed to the hospital.

    so basically the point of this long drug out description is what do you think my chances are??

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