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Posts posted by Reaper

  1. just wondering if a circuit breaker such as


    would work as well as a 250 amp fuse? would there be more resistance or would it work fine.

    i'd rather flip a switch if i pop a fuse, than going threw the motions of switching fuses. thanks for the help.

  2. even if he does break his wrist there still going to pay him. injured players always get paid. if it was to the point where it would never work properly again, they would just give him a pay out option. he'd still have more money than any of us, and would never have to work again. agree on never wishing anyone harm. people have done a lot worse than what he's done to move up in the world, he's just in the public eye. it is what it is Cleveland just needs to figure out a way to kick Miami's ass now to show him what he lost.

    edit: good song i lol'ed

  3. i work security at the moment i say go for the dispatcher's job. security blows seems like an easy job and your right it is to easy which makes it REALLY boring. plus in your area is there a lot of fires or elevators getting suck (where i'm from the fire department deals with getting people out of stuck elevators)? if not seems like a dispatcher job would be easy as well. just don't send to the wrong address lol.

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