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Posts posted by B4SSB0Y

  1. Maybe I'm stupid, but I fuse for the size of wire at the battery. 120 amp fuse or so at battery in ur fuse holder. Then ur fuses in ur amp protect it. U don't want to put a smaller size at the battery than u have at the amp. Like feeding a fire hose with a straw. U limit the end result.

    Correct but the wire has to be able to handle the current aswell, Never fuse over what the wire can handle.

    To the OP, Check your coils with a DMM and see what they read, sounds to me like the coil on the "blown" one came un-coiled.

  2. Like above posters said ditch the cap, check to see if your alt is charging correctly. If it is reading right try try just the amp without the cap and go from there.. Honestly it sounds like its either a bad alt or a bad charging cable from the alt, could also be bad connections on the exciter wires of the alt (check the small plug that plugs into the alt if after jumping the car your voltage isnt reading 13.5-14.5 volts.

    Edit as you posted while i was writing:

    Seeings the battery was mostly discharged borrow a battery charger if you can and charge it for a few hours at a low amp rate to get a good charge.

  3. Lookin great! I love the way the subs are facing.

    Funny story on that, my tape measure tip messed up and all measurements were 1/8th too large so the boxes wouldnt fit between the strut towers without alot of force. They fit tight like this and I loved the way they looked, actually gained me nearly a half DB on the TL from flat facing and sounds alot louder to the ear this way. I should really get back outside and do some more sanding on the door pods but its about 95 out today so I take lots of breaks :)

  4. Speakers back in so I dont have to drive around with just pass side mids/highs



    Tie in of the fleece



    Bondo work 2 days after tie in with chop mat





    Bare door, this is the only sound deadener in the entire car right now :/


    Well lots more work to come, this is my progress over the last month and a half or so. Started the door pods about 3 weeks ago and drove around with them up til last weekend when I finally had the time to start doing some glass work.

  5. Started to work on the door pods.. Mind you Ive never worked with fiberglass other than the corners of these boxes. Ive done quite a bit of body work but thats about it.

    Positioning of the speakers



    My buddy cutting out the door panel behind the speakers so they fit in


    Both done and mounted



    Drivers door installed


    Passenger side installed


    Glassing drivers side




  6. Well sadly driving up north yesterday with a buddy the sub that was cracked let loose. Was playing loud for about 3-4 hours just fine, no slapping or over-excursion.. Track changed and I heard the coil start to unwind itself :( by the time I had it turned down the sub was gone. Looking into getting a cheap fix for the time being so I can still go to some shows this year. Havent had a chance to pull it out and look at the actual damage done but the sub is froze up on the inward stroke :(. So anyone got some L7 10's they wanna sell CHEAP :D

  7. Well had a bit of driving over the weekend and such and about 5 hours of playtime each way at fairly loud volumes.. Subs handled everything fine. Alt did its job aswell. Amps didnt go into protect due to heat or anything so everything seems to be working well enough for the subs being messed up. Really surprised they handled the power for ~5 hours (each way so 10 hrs total) of straight playing. I usually play it at max volume 33 (of 40 35 is when it seems like it starts to clip out) and I was playing only using the ipod bus adapter to my ipod. Sound quality is so-so and gotta remove the front door speakers amp so that I can fix the left gain pot (when the bass hits it gets static on/off and cuts in/out) if i touch the pot its fine for a while, knew of this issue when I bought the amp so no biggie.

  8. buy my AQs and wall it :)

    Dustin from jeffs account

    Walling it is not a option, this is my daily driver and wife tends to drive it more than me 90% the time so..We need the back seat for our nearly 1 1/2 yr old son. Funding isnt great atm so I'm just going to stick wtih these til they are done for or I can save enough for HDC3's or something, I'd honestly rather the HDC3's over anything else due to the fact They work well in small or larger boxes. The max I can do without building the box in the trunk is roughly maybe squeeze 3 cuft per sub. The biggest issue is I dont want to change amps out anytime soon and they are fairly large amps (size and power) so having a place to mount them in the small ass trunk becomes a large enough problem with 2 cubes per sub as it is. I can squeeze 2.5 if needed I think but will be quite a bit of work getting the boxes in.

  9. Well went to my buddies shop and metered the broken subs, with a cracked sub and one running off only 1 coil I still did 143.1db sealed up :) and can do 141's on all the songs I tried playing. Looks like im gonna end up keeping the L7's for this season, though there is a guy he knows that might be selling his 04 L7s and they are the silver with blue solobaric logo... Gonna talk to him about what he wants for them (he has 3) and possibly buy them til I can save up for something different. All in all I'm happy for the time being, didnt gain anything over the old box right now but I can imagine having both coils in the other sub would make it louder yet.

  10. Well bad news, I put everything back in the car yesterday.. Even with the sub that only has 1 coil its loud as hell. I heard a small "pop" Not sure if the "Good" woofer bottomed out or what happened really but the front of the cone cracked by the Solobaric logo. Its not terribly bad and still plays fine though. I called Kicker to see if they do re-cones on them and they said they "upgrade" and it would cost me 221 + shipping. Sadly I can get a brand new one off ebay for 170 shipped. My other option right now other than new L7's (I need this to be financed and local shop deals kicker, jl, and powerbass so thats all he can do for me currently). Anyone on here run powerbass? or know someone who has had exp with them? The 3XL looks pretty sweet and the price is a bit less than a L7 + more power handling, heres a link to them (I will be going with 12's to keep the amount of cone area close)


    Let me know what you guys think, or should I just epoxy the cone so it doesnt crack farther and run them for the rest of the season/til I can save up enough for HDC's

  11. Yea I'm debating what to do here, don't wanna go without bump for the time it will take to have money to order my AQ's. Thinking about just running the sub the way it is, if they actually came apart I could repair it maybe but we all know how L7s are. Might try to sell them and have my buddy who owns a shop buy me the subs on payment plan.. Gotta talk to him and the wife first tho.

  12. Well got everything put in today and had a hell of a time with the subs fitting with the faceplates.. Finally a hour later we got the second sub in, decided to hook up 1 amp and see how just 1 sub sounds.. I was amazed and hooked both subs to the one amp, wife came outside saying it was louder than it has ever been from inside the house and my 2 buddies that were here agreed it was def louder. Had major air leaks between sub/box so we pulled them out, for some reason I double checked my ohm load on my subs with the DMM. Sub 2 (this sub has had the surround reglued twice) reading correctly 1.4 ohms (dual 2 ohm). Other sub is reading 2.x ohms.... WTF unhook the jumper wires and sure enough DMM reads .OL on coil 1. Pretty sure its broke between the coil and tinsel leads, managed to test continuity on the leads and they were good so now Im beside myself what to do.

    Do I keep running the sub off just 1 coil? Sell the subs? Gonna cost more than its worth for a recone but just upset because i spent all this time with the setup and now this happens. I was planning to order some HDC3's next spring or but this is just.. ugh a major setback to me.

    Ill post some pics tomorrow seeings its sopposed to rain and I dont have my usb cable in here to connect the blackberry. When I had it all in (other than the amps) it looked sick, I couldnt get over how great a job I did (not that I dont normally, just I dont normally do designs like this).

  13. The new layout



    19 month old son learning how to build a sub floor :)


    Trying to use a drill, I showed him how to put screws in when I was installing this.. Didnt want him droppin my Ryobi so I gave him my old drill


    Chillaxin in the trunk LMAO


    OK OK Ive seen everyone craw into walls, Done it plenty myself but I got the man for crawing into 2 cuft boxes!


    Making of the faceplates, got them all cut, just gotta cut the holes for the subs/port out then put everything back in again.


    What it looked like before I took the boxes out to router the front facia...


    Will be more updates later tonight, not even gonna bother posting more on ROE... Only a few knowledgable people left over there anyhow.

  14. Well got what I felt was alot accomplished today, tear out of all the old and running into problem after problem with the new :D. Apparently I measured wrong and the boxes wedge way too tight between the strut towers so new plan and I like it better anyhow.

    Old box/amp setup



    No thats not a Edit on the plate, my licence plate does say B4SSB0Y :D


    The power


    My Big 3


    Mess in the back after uninstall


    Reason I originally did 2 boxes, Its a pain with a Neon to put a box in >.<


    Old box


  15. Well Spent the most of my day after work (got out early) working on cuttin the boards and building the second box. Got them both glassed on the insides and resin'd on all joints outside (to ensure no leaks, I hope). After getting everything cut and mostly together I realized that some boards were ~1/8th off, double checked them and realized the tip on the tape measure was loose through the entire build of this box. Luckily the port was very close to where it should be (less than a 1/16th off) so I just let it go. Well heres a bunch more pics of the build up of the box, Hoping to get my amps and old box out of the Neon tomorrow and get these fitted in so I can figure out how to mount the amps and such.

    Mostly done with cutting all sides.


    Bottom, Side and Rear plate screwed and glued.


    Painting of the port internal.


    Port internal and what I'll consider external all painted up.


    Where the port will be on the box, painted before putting port/front on.


    Port and Front plate before I put them in the box.


    Just a shot of my work area, saw horses FTW.


    Screwed and glued in.



    You can faintly see my markings of where the port is on the outside, I build the L port and put the front plate on so I can put them on the top/bottom plate and outline where the will be. Saves time and hassle this way, no measuring or anything.


    Starting to glass.



    Boxes both done, Took me a few hours to glass the inside of the top plates. Plus a break to snack haha.




  16. Well got a little bit of work done today, nothing big but got the first box nearly done. All thats left to do is fiberglass the top to the sides from the inside and coat the box in resin to make it water proof incase the trunk decides it needs water in it again >.<










    Really happy with the way it has came out so far, I know I dont really need to fiberglass the corners but I want to be sure there are no leaks and hey added strength cant hurt.

  17. This is copied from ROE but seeings nobody ever replies with any insight on my build I figure I'll post on other forums to get some feedback on it.

    If anything doesnt make sense its because its a few posts put together etc.

    Well I'll be changing this out yet again next year (maybe) when I get the money for my HDC3's.. But current box I blew my port board out the center (cracked it on both sides of all 8 screws 4 top 4 bottom and the glue joint). So time for a new box, or shall I say Boxes. Well this is as far as I made it for today, but got quite a bit accomplished in the 3 hours I spent working on it. (Not to mention I cant just leave everything out, I have to store everything in my shed which is a pain right now with another 4x8ft of 3/4mdf in there.

    Doing 2 seperate boxes to gain more cuft per sub this time around.

    Each box is right around 2 cuft after and port disp.

    Onto the pics :D





    Painted the port after gluing it in, then put the side once I was happy with the 4 coats of paint.


    Another shot of the painted port.


    Side painted before putting it on.


    All done other than cutting the sub hole, fiberglassing all the joints and putting the top on. I plan to do atleast the bottom and 4" up the sides if not all of the box in resin. This way if my trunk leaks my box wont be destroyed again.



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