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Posts posted by Metallic_Cavalier

  1. I'm beginning to believe that my friend might be on the slow side. I was talking to him about the 30k caddy and my plans for 1000rms. He tried to convince me that if i didn't put an equalizer in it would blow up my amp within minutes. He tried to explain how bad sound waves go into the amp unbalanced, and cause it to fry. Which i think is bull, and he said that there was no way the caddy was making 140+ db's cuz he said that at those volumes all the air would be sucked out of the car or some retarded thing like that and those tanks were full of oxygen so it could be pumped back in to the car. and at 100 db's you go deaf and 150 would kill you. i told him he was stupid. why do people when they're wrong insist on trying to convince people that there right?

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