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Posts posted by hdrox88

  1. i can plug my ipod into it tho and it sounds fine. so i was thinkin it was with the outputs

    Yeah, def. sounds like a problem in the HU. I have seen lost of people say that Pioneer is bad for that. I have had 2 different Pioneer HUs and no problems for me. Luck of the draw I guess.

    Not sure if that would be cost effective to send in for repair.

  2. the imprint module I am talking about you plug it in set all your stuff and then unplug it and your Alpine headunit is good to go.

    from what I am presuming you want that in one headunit and not deal with all the hookups and everything else so I'm looking at the Alpine stuff.

    on mine which was around $150 brand new I can control the high pass filter and what frequency the highs should be focused on with an adjustable bandwidth and same with the bass.

    I am going to get the Alpine RUX-701 soon so I can have complete control.

    I like the 3-way crossover in the Pioneer as well. RUX-701? That would basically be built into the Pioneer right? Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking your setup or anything, I just like the fact that the Pioneer has it all in one component.

    I dont think I fully understand the capability of this imprint module.

  3. are you deadset on a pioneer?

    you could get a lower end Alpine like the one I have (CDA-9884) and get the Imprint module for time correction, EQ's, and crossovers for around the same.

    you might pay just a little more but everything will be new. and you also get the iPod interface

    I'm not deadset on pioneer, I just like their usability. I like the fact that I can get all you just listed in one HU. Does Alpine have something similar? I am not at all familiar with Alpine.

  4. i have the pioneer DEH-p7800mp same thing as the 980-bt just that the 7800mp dosent have BT.From my experience is that i LOVE it dude 16 band EQ ranging from 20hz to like 20,000 hz,and able to set up your time alignimet on the speakers and it has built in crossovers for your car speakers.great unit IMO

    Thanks for the input. Sounds like what I am looking for. But that is a discontinued receiver. I'll have to do a little more searching to try and find one for sale.

  5. Let us know what exactly you want and we can help you a lot easier.

    I dont care about dvd or nav in my HU. I like the 5v preout, EQ, and pretty much all features this Pioneer has. It seems to have all I want and nothing I dont. Just wondering if there is something close for the price. I can get one for about $300.

    I like to be able to adjust lots of stuff from the HU and this one has it.

  6. So far in 90 degree weather they never overheat and I have mine's mounted under the seat. If you can avoid mounting them on the box that would be good. Excellent amps.

    I live in Phoenix, AZ so it gets much hotter then that here. I will play around with different arrangements to see if I can get them all under there. I might have to stack two of them though. Will they get too hot that way?

  7. you should be fine so long as the box doesnt flex

    if you can honestly look at it and say to yourself "yea, that definately wont shake whatsoever", you're good, otherwise find an alternative (under the seats, headliner, etc)

    I ran into the same issue, and ended up double baffling the sides where the amps were (placed along where the port is so it was braced already) and along the double baffled rear. I was confident no matter how loud it was or how high it was turned up, that part would never move

    Yeah, I am thinking that is what I'll do. I think putting three amps under the box would generate too much heat in such a small area.

  8. I have used both of them extensively and I think that the newer ones have excellent cooling on them. All of the heat goes to the outside of the amp because that is the way that they are designed. However, I think the 2004-06 power series look better.

    How cool do they run in small spaces? I've got three amps that would have to go under my box along with a battery or two so I would have to stack two of them to get it all under there. Otherwise they will have to be mounted to the box.

  9. hmm neither sound good, but if your doing a false floor, you coud run some 12v fans, one side blow air out, one side pull it in.

    Yeah, thats a good idea. That is kinda why I thought about the older power amps with the cooling fans. I am not sure how much they do though so that is why I am asking.

  10. cant expect a reply in 15 minutes.. especially at 2 in the am.. but i wouldnt recommened running them so close, lots of heat in small space, others might give you better info on that

    I had another thread not to much earlier that got some decent response right away. I guess I was a little anxious though. I am stuck with the decision of either mounting the amps under the box or on it.

  11. I am looking to be putting my amps under my box and had a question. How fast do the new RF Power series amps heat up vs the old Power series amps? I currently have a T400-4, T500-1BD, and T1500-1BD all new style. I was contemplating selling them and getting a T8004 and a T20001BD old style as it might make my install a tad easier. Again, they will most likely be going under a false floor under my box, so would either be ok to stack on each other? Leaving a small gap of maybe 1/2".

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