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Posts posted by Apollopimp

  1. pic from recent comp of some snazzy 28s on an 08 lade:



    i dont think those come in 28" the biggest they come in are 26" maybe im wrong http://www.wheelsnext.com/wheels-rims/KMC-KM651-CHROME.html

    I think these ( http://www.wheelsnext.com/wheels-rims/DBL-...lack%20Cap.html ) Whould look beter than those all black rims same rim just with chrome lip and the black is an insert so you could take it off and replace it if it got damaged i think its beter than painted rims..

  2. King is 4 now and Queens allmost 2 so he was aroubd 2 when we got her.

    i Had another female called blue, I gave her to a friend of mine she would just go nuts whenever he came around so i thought it was right to let him have her..

    King and Queen are there call names thats what we call them heres there full names.

    Midnight sun's King of the Kani

    Midnight sun's Klondike Queen

    There both from Alaska so Kani is a river and Klondike is a mountan in Alaska thats there names on there paper work.. We use to go to dog shows and all that stuff but i got tired of it all..there both ukc registered..

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