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Posts posted by Kandrew279

  1. So here's a quick summary of my vehicle situation. I'm 17 and and my parents bought me my first vehicle as an eagle scout present a 1997 Toyota Tacoma 2.7l 4x4 single cab.

    At that point is was my dream vehicle it had 154,xxx miles on it and is in amazing condition absolutely no body rust and no magic sounds coming from anywhere. There was however some rust, on the frame but i didn't worry about it too much.

    Anyway i put a head unit it, ran some rca's and started pondering on how the fuck i was going to put every thing in here (single cab remember) meanwhile my dad poked a whole through the chassis with his finger! everything came to a screatching halt.

    For those who didn't know, Toyota has a vehicle buy back program for '95 - '00 Tacomas so we had the vehicle inspected and of course they said they'd contact Toyota saying that they would buy it back. So we waited a month and then got tired of waiting and called toyota ourselves and found out that the dealer never submitted the info. Then after numerous phone calls we received the one we've been waiting for!! (the one where they say how much they're going to give us)

    If you don't feel like reading all of that ^^^ then Here's the important part we paid $4,300 for it, and they are going to buy it back for $9,990!!!

    Now how many used vehicles gain 130% value in one month?? TOYOTA'S DO!

  2. holy shit!!

    Cow poop

    Date: 2009-05-25, 8:30PM EDT

    We have cows that keep pooping and it's more than we can handle. Every day there is more cow shit piling up and my husband is starting to panic. He works at Jiffy Mart and doesn't have the time to figure out what to do with all of it. I work too, and I dread coming home each night only to see the cows have pooped another mountain. Please, if you know what can be done about this situation, please let us know as we are at wits end. The stench is becoming unbearable here and I can hardly eat my salad right now as I type this.

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