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Posts posted by TeejayBee

  1. i havnt done the big three yet but i can during my xmas break b.c im getting my girl a nice ring for once i leave you know? and i got a price on it and its like 250 300 i think they said so i gota get that for her for xmas then when i get for xmas is going to my car and she is fine with that lol. but the rms for an 18" BTL is 2k watts so ?

  2. yeah see im still doing my electrical so i mean im not sure yet i mean id love the 18" BTL wont lie but i have basic trainging and to get the money for all that is kinda ehhh lol i mean idk how much an Aq2200 is but if i could power the sub with my two 1000.1's it would be more practical but im also waiting to get my Kinetik 2400 to see if that helps me with what i have now because its all brand new stuff i just feel my amps arnt getting enough volts b,c when i drive i stay at 10 to 11 volts lol fail XD

  3. So my ex just called me and its 227 and she crying so much i cant even understand her all the much . so what i got is she went to some kids house and they were all drinking but she only did like a little but they took her keys incase she did alot so she wouldnt go driving. But she said she went to leave and her car was gone but a few mins later it was there and its smashed all up and she has no clue who did it and she wants me to get her and a friend but i have one seat other then mine in my blazer and im lost on what todo like i have to wake my mom up just to say can i take your car to get them and take them home and its 230 now

  4. yeah i know, the protection light isnt on.

    i dont understand it...just on my way back from the store my stereo was working flawlessly....

    get back in it to get food and it sounds like one sub is missing...then it starts hitting idk man. Ive spent almost all day trying to fix the thing.

    where you from ? if you can figure it out soon enough and your close enough i can try and help , but check your subs make sure the wires are still good on the inside

  5. haha talk about ninja.

    haha what and i gona do with the other box thats in my blazer? lol trust me ive thought it through and i cant do much else other then put up the walls b.c my dad has the Jig saw so i can cut my port lol ive just been playing MW2 all day ranked up three times xD

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