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Posts posted by needlesnpins

  1. Up untill monday i had farmers insurance with the added on insurance for stereo equipment. My deck and up to 2000 for rims were insured by my regular full coverage, and then i added 4000 for the extra stuff i have. on monday i received a letter stating farmers insurance can no longer insure my stereo euipment due to the fact that i've had 2 or more claims in the last 2 years. im gonna fight this because one of the two claims was only for glass break and my stereo which is covered under my full coverage anyways didnt even go into the added insurance part of it. So if they say no sorry then i will have to find another insurance company to go to.

    thats why i fuckin hate insurance companys..biggest crooks ever....god forbid you actully have to file a claim right?

  2. that wasnt what was said.

    a direct quote from the mother said "... the message told my daughter the world would be better off without her"

    that is in no way telling her to kill her self.

    we read about this last semester and i was laughing the whole time because if someone tells me they dont like me on myspace whether its a guy or girl, i say something like oh well, i have more friends then just you, or just blow it off. its really not that big of a deal for someone not to like you.

    ill give you that i couldnt remember exactly what was said but it was close, and that preatty much means the same thing.

    and x2 to burritto....the 1st amendment doesnt mean you can go and say anything you want to anybody you want. there are multiple forms of verbal harrasment, slander ect, that are illegal. defamation of character as an example if you say anything about someone and it demages their career or earning potential in anyway, that is illegal...get my drift?

    try going to your principle and say "hey im going to kill you, when your sleeping" ( i know thats no where near what was said in this story) and see how long your rights are protected.

  3. your right i would but u have to look at the big picture. people get teased all the time. its part of life

    if anything those people should be passing a law that requires kids to talk to counselors periodically to get things off their chest. then we wouldnt have to worry about people being bullied or teased.

    true, if you look at what i origionaly said about this i said that internet bullying in general is a joke because most things said are so impersonal they shouldnt even be taken seriously..but with this girl it was planned and carryed out 2 houses from eachother.

  4. first of all the whole point of xbox live is to make fun of people who suck so either they will stop sucking and become your friend or stop hogging the servers so u can play.

    internet bullying is a crock. apparently typed words can hurt too. lol wut has this world come to.

    now on the subject of the girl. the people next door were basically evil people but im not sure they can be punished after all it was the girls choice. they may have led her to do it but they didnt do it or tell her to do it. correct?

    in one of the messages they said "why dont you just go kill yourself". people arent talking about pressing murder charges or anything, just being able to file criminal harasment, which i think if you were a family member of her you would like to do the same.

  5. cyberbullying in theory is just a joke but the the mention of the mom making the myspace thing....thats actully some bullshit and should be illegal...you guys gotta go know the whole story on that one to call it out.

    it was just some random thing...the girl who hung herself was the neighbor of the mom who made the myspace. they made the myspace to harrass her in a way that random person canot by knowing every detail of her life from living next to her and haveing her daughter be friends with her. you cannot tell me that what that mom did was right and/or should not be punsihed for.

    dr phil was just tryin to gain support for his banning of x-box live bullying(Which really is a joke) by throwing up that story

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