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Posts posted by needlesnpins

  1. i give MAD respect to someone who can do a good job tinting.

    i had just about the same story when i tried to do but switch out your wife for parents lol

    i sucked it up and worked some conections and got one of the best tint jobs ive seen around town (lumar yeah boyy)

    i got 15% but prob gonna get 5% on the new impala in the spring.

    FYI, go to your doctor, tell him you got allergys or migraines or w/e bs story that has to do with your eyes and they will write you a prescription...mine has saved me a few times.

  2. if it were me i would put together a spread sheet showing the growth of the site, and also how much constant traffic it gets and some of the other statistic behind it.

    then approach companys that you have an influence on in the industry and propose to them the offer.

    plant the seed and im sure a few plants will grow

  3. thing you have to realize is, this people are speaking passionatly about this amp because they do NOT want you to waste your money

    and most subs are made to compensate for imp rise

    say a 4ohm sub ...it is actuly around 3.75ohm so that with imp rise it wil be right

    and also with imp rise your not going to gain a whole 1ohm, just tenth's

    thats why people say it is ok to run the power fosgates at .7 because with imp rise it will 1, that is much more realistic.

  4. yeah g unot blowss

    they talked alot shit about game and if you listen to any of games cd's you can realy get the picture

    their a bunch of little hoe's

    and wayne is straight, i would be very dissapointed in wayne if i knew someone wrote his lyrics, because they arent exactly mind blowing poetry, he can basicly say anything and people will love it, cuz its wayne lol

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