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Posts posted by bigjsurdaddy

  1. thank you very much, and as far as alternators and batteries are concerned, do you have your new amp in yet? if so how bads your voltage dropping? i would start with a battery in the back and go from there. a kinetic or xs power somewhwewe around 12 or 1800. deka also makes very good batteries.

    not yet all i got is a little power acoustik 1200 gothic series. it says 900 at 2 ohms but i think it's more like 5 or 600.

    i wanted a d3400 for the front and a d975 in the back with a 240 amp alt. if my math is right that should just about do me.

    when i can find some good 1/0 wire kinda cheap i will do the big three upgrade. i know i should have done that already but i haven't got around to it.

    do you guys think copper clad aluminum wire is ok for what i got or should i stick with oxygen free copper?

  2. Both amps are great amps and will do exactly what you want. It's pretty much just up to you and how you want to spend your money.

    A brand new AQ2200D - $349

    A brand new SAZ-1500D - $799

    And I just checked db-r, and they do not have any refurbished SAZ-1500Ds in stock.

    If it was my decision, I would go with the AQ amp, just because they are good quality amps and the price is almost unbeatable for a brand new one.

    saz 1500d's don't cost 800 you can get them new for 500 or on sale sometimes for 350 or 400. i got mine for 400 straight from sundown.

  3. rofl i didnt come on here to persoanlly attack you whatsoever fella so you need to lighten up...my thoughts were on the situation at hand, no need to take it personally

    whatever man, it aint that big a deal. it's just kinda hard to tell how someone says a comment when you can't hear the tone of voice. so even if you didn't mean to come off a harsh, if someone reads it, it's on them to figured out how you mean it.

    But on a lighter subject. i'm out of hear till tuesday so everyone have a merry christmas and a great weekend.

    P.S. accordman no hard feelings.

  4. ive bought terminals from they that were complete pieces of shit, bought RCAS form them that were pslit out of the box. why should wire be any better....

    Theres about 3 wire manufactures in the world if most of you knew were most of this stuff comes from you wouldnt think ones so much better then the other.

    i honestly run whatever wire i get a deal on that OFC...i dont care if CCA is a 3rd of the price, if i cant afford a second run of quality wire i dont waste my time.

    its like saying ooo i ccant afford a RF t4000 but if i get 6 boss 800w amps its the same exact thing and i get a little more because its cheaper and the rated watts are higher.

    in reality its still inferior

    damn man who stuck a stick up your ass. lol

    lighten up man it's christmas eve

  5. it deals with the conductivity and size of the wires.

    2 runs of a lower quality wire may be better to use than 1 run of a good wire, because electricity WILL ALWAYS travel on the path with the least resistance. 2 runs usually means MORE wire overall, and there for, less resistance.

    basically, you can send more power through 2 wires, than you could with 1 wire.

    OFC Copper wire has a very high rate of conductivity, and has very little resistance. CCA wires are a little less conductive, and have a little more resistance (IIRC)

    but even if cca is lesser quality, knu wouldn't sell the shitty stuff. they would sell the best cca they can get. hell look at there flex. it's like 2/0 but they sell it as 1/0

  6. I was looking at the same stuff but after J00bles said not to run over 3000 watts in it i'm not sure what to do..I'm getting the AudioPipe 30001d amp which is 3000 rms if it does rated which I heard it does..But I dont want to spend 90 bucks on wire..is there something else thats cheaper and still good?

    And sorry if this seems like a thread jack..I just didnt want to be flamed for starting a whole nother thread

    no problems bro. as long as we all get the help i don't care if you do a little thread jacking. i know i've done it. lol

  7. i dont make the wire, but if it can only handle ~250amps, then i wouldnt test the limits of it haha. 3000watts at 14 volts is roughly 200-215amps. you COULD do it, but the full copper wires will do a much better job.

    Knu fleks is one of the best for the price. You may also look into stinger's "soundquest" wire, for a good bargain wire.

    why does two runs make suck a diference. is it just cuse the wire can't handle the amount of power that it's getting thrown at it.

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