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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. he was making a reference to a movie quote - it was a joke. BUT if you wanna go there-----"you cant afoooorrd it you cant afooooord it, because your momma is on tha wellllfare - and your father is an alcohallllllic........wanna lick, SIKE, you cant afooooord it you cant afforrrrrd it" hahah......now go order 2 of them bitches when they drop!

    just playin bro - please tell me there are some old fuckers who remember Eddie Murphy Delirious - :D :D

    HAHAHAHAAA!!! :rofl:

    Those subs are absolute monsters. I had a hard time getting over the size of Thor's motors on his 10's, and now I get to gawk at THESE!! :blink::shok:

  2. if the speakers didnt pay for themselves i would be more worried about it :) - being a youtube partner with LOTS of daily views means that almost everything i shoot pays for itself in one way or another.

    Mids and highs are perfect, no problems at all. I love them!!

    the SMD/AA - i was told they were gonna ship last monday and that turned into Tuesday because the crates werent ready...then i heard one was going to ship with 3 to follow. To be honest, i guess i just dont know. I made that post because of what i was told....

    maybe this week? i have no idea. I can only hope :)

    Sweet. I remember you saying the mids/highs were louder than you expected. I guess "giving you trouble" wasn't the wording I meant. I remember you posting that they got much louder than expected with no distortion. Glad to see you like them though. That one video where you're running just your doors and walking like a half mile away blew my mind. ^_^

  3. if it happens though, no worries i will get another - so far so good though.

    Damn, I wish I could say that for half the stuff I owned. Somebody comes along and kicks a hole in my woofer and I'm like "No big. Easy come, easy go!"

    LOL. Looks awesome and sounds better and better in every vid Steve. I WISH I had the time to go down to Vegas and see this thing in action. Are those mids/highs still giving you trouble? Also, not to be off-topic, but you had a thread about a week ago about when your AA/SMD subs were expected. Any updates on those? I know you were thinking of trying them out before Vegas, but it's just around the corner and I haven't seen any updates on it.

  4. 1 step ahead of you, check my xray box. Youll see 4 vertical braces, and that the ports end is rounded over. I already had those thoughts, lol.

    and to what domo was sayin, i thought about something like that. But decided along what Decaf said, too expensive, wont cure, what about expanding foam? A lil great stuff maybe?

    If you're going to Great Stuff in the corner(s), it still might be best to do it in layers. Lay down a nice thick layer, let it harden to the touch, and then lay down the next one. If you fill the whole thing at once, no matter what you do it with, it'll never dry/cure. However, Great Stuff and resin are both great ideas if you feel the need to fill the gaps. It's gonna get costly though if you decide to fill ALL the 45's.

  5. I'm SO glad someone else hates this! I've had my moments where I don't put a period or something at the end of a sentence or don't capitalize the word "I," but for the most part I've got perfect grammar. Hell, I even put proper grammar in my text messages! It's just how it should be. That way everybody else understands what the fuck you're talking about. The thing that gets me most is when people go out of their way to capitalize every other letter. ThEy SiT tHeRe AnD dO tHiS aNd It AnNoYs ThE fUcK oUt Of Me. It's even harder to read, and takes probably 3 times longer to type because you have to hit Shift every other letter. Gah!!! USE VOWELS!!! I can deal with no commas, that's not the biggest deal to me, but PLEASE use full words and at least periods to break up sentences. I'll even let you not capitalize the first word of the sentence, as long as I can understand what you're talking about.

  6. I'm simply amazed at how long it took peeps to figure out how to do this. It's a metal plate cut into a ring. Probably 1/8" aluminum. It's pretty though.

    Makes me wish I had one. Or two. Or ten. 16 of these little fuckers in the back of a Suburban would be extraordinary to hear.

    And a lvl 5 8" would be the closest thing to a Funky Pup that anyone's ever created. It would just be one angry little sub. That poor cone would go shooting out and hit some lady in the stomach and cause a miscarriage.

    Yeah, I said it. DC Sound Lab lvl 5 8". Make it happen Rusty!

  7. Coming along beautifully Steve. Clean, clean, clean. I'm blown away by this build. I was caught way off guard when you threw the touchscreen in the dash of the Hoopty, and then you turned right around and tossed one in the 'Hoe! I'm glad you got the tethering worked out. You've got all the toys in there now! Touchscreen, Mac Mini, iPhone making portable WiFi, screens for the chillun' in the back.

    Steve you can get a usb exention cable and mount it tucked up out of place so that way oyu can just plug in without tearing down to get to the actual mac.

    I was thinking this exact same thing before I read your post! Mold something like THIS into the center console or dash. Somewhere convenient. Then just run the other end of the cable deep into the bowels of the vehicle where the Mac Mini lays dormant. You could just plug your flash drive/portable hard drive in there and not have to worry about going digging for it just to put some more music on it. Also, it'd be an easy way to charge the iPhone by plunging it in with eh USB cable.

    Keep this build a-rollin'! When are the doors coming in? I think you mentioned it but I missed it. That deadener on the floor's definitely gonna help. Great work man! :clapping:

  8. I don't know if anybody's heard of this song before, but I think it's awesome:

    Next Best Thing by K>Nup

    My best friend goes to the US Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point, and his gunnery sergeant is a rapper. Well, he showed me this song, and I think it's great. The bass hits pretty damn hard on my system in my dorm, and it's only 250 watts. It peaks pretty high, so it might not sound as good on some systems tuned lower. The only place I can find to get the whole song in high quality was off iTunes (I know, I know, purchasing music is so 1990's). I'll try to find it elsewhere, or I'll just rip the DRM off myself. Anyway, check it out. I think it'd be worth it. And I'd love to see somebody do a demo using this song.

  9. That guy jumped straight out of his skin when that bass hit. 26K watts of bass sitting 3 feet behind your head. Even the guys outside the truck have to turn around and walk away because it's so loud. It's turning out to be a MONSTER Steve! I can't wait to see those doors get wrapped. Hopefully those guys will do a great job. I'm not sure if you already mentioned it, but are they getting the two-tone treatment like the box did?

  10. The hava only goes to 480. There isn't anything that you can buy within a good price range for 720p because they don't make it for video game systems yet so good luck on finding it. If you knew anything about youtube you would know they butcher the video quality. Also good luck finding sites that will allow you to upload 720p videos without paying hosting fees that takes bandwith that I'm pretty sure you cant afford.

    I have given you one of the best on the market for recording video games, take it or leave it.

    And maybe YOU should learn something about YouTube. The HD feature allows for videos up to 1280x720, which is full 720p. No quality butchering, except apparently the butchered quality of your videos. And it's completely free as long as you stay under the 10-minute limit (actually a 10:59 limit)

  11. If you want one that will be able to capture full HD, go with a Hauppage PVR.

    Hauppage PVR

    It's a bit pricey, but it's the HDMI feature that sets it apart. It's got standard Red/White/Yellow composite plugs, as well as the RGB component plugs, so it's compatable with just about everythign you plug in.

    It doesn't have an HDMI, sadly. If you REALLY need that feature, you're going to have to get a converter box to go from HDMI to component, such as this:

    HDMI to Component Converter

    I hope this helps. I know it's probably more than you expected, but it's the full HD feature that gives it the bigger price tag.

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