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Posts posted by drewb53

  1. So yesterday i am driving home from school, going down our main street when my car shuts off. Cant get it started again and when it would there was a lud ping, so i let it sit until i could get to it ended up not starting anymore, and had to get i towed to our local mechanic. Now today we find out that th crankshaft snapped in 2. So now when i get home from chicago at the end of this weekend i get to pull all my equipment out for the fact of probabily not getting the car fixed due to costing more than the car is worth (96). Kinda sucks, but what do you do.. What really sucks is that i just got my new box in less than a month ago, and now i dont have a car. Just felt like ranting. Because i dont have the money for a new car or to fix my problem with my one now.

    this is all

  2. only downside to it and i know it kind of defeats the purpose of it is that idk if i will have internet on it.. one thing i will use alot tho is the wi fi at home.

    And by the way in no way did i mean to offend you by saying the girl thing i was just saying people around here atleast sorry if that came off wrong.

    This phone needs to be for AT&T by the way just sayin on that one

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