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Posts posted by drewb53

  1. thanks guys, i still have to try and talk to my parents about it considering i will have to sell all my old stuff to get money to pay it off... i have the money but like i said no job and i gotta pay for some stuff. but keep the suggestions coming.. and most likely on the one sub i would do sub and port foward. Good or no?

    Yes i do plan on it because i just bought a Aq1200D and it is at 2 ohms right now

  2. I have been wanting to upgrade my sub lately, but today i had the idea since money is not really permitting to me (no job right now) if i sold my current system and went with the audioque HDC312. Would the one subs off 1000rms in a ported box would be louder than the 2 kenwood 12's that i have now in a sealed box? I know the 2 12's have more cone area and all.

    please help me out lol

    thanks in advance

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