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Posts posted by hazardous0388

  1. yeah i understand what your saying man.

    i changed out the slot port to the 11 inch aero the other day, dropped the tuning 6 hz, down to 34, and im glad im still around the same db mark i was with the slot port. now i just need to raise the tuning back up and see if i have any gain, its hard to just start gaining quite a bit without adding more power. and i dont know if im going to be doing that any time soon. im happy where im at for this season so far, may just have to wait till next season to do another 4k2d after i get the majority of my college paid off :aggressive:

  2. I cant remember what amps he had but he had 2 15" AQ subs and I dont know what the power rating on them are but he said he was putting twice the rated RMS power to them. Maybe someone else that was there can fill in more info. I tried to get a better video of it but a lot of people hovering around his car.

    i don't have 2x the rated power. i stated the power rating on the amplifier but explained with impedance rise and voltage drop im only going to see around 34-3500 watts.

    amplifier is a stetsom 4k2d.

    cheers to all who showed.

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