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Posts posted by SmokeyDog

  1. i just came back from my local stereo shop. (if you can call it that) did get some advice dont know if i sould take it or not. they did not have any #2 wire at all. no 4 for that matter. they had 10' of 1/0 and a bunch of 8 and mulity condutor wire. the other shop had nothing at all i got more stuff then they do. anyone know of any good shops to get stuff around the boston area. oh yea non of my shops have any meters at all and do noo shows. wtf

    going to go and order off line i guess i have to wait for shipping i hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. i have an old computer laptop. an hp its older but at the time it was top noch. the fan went in it and it started making noise, when the fan stoped the nosie stoped.

    anyways i want to put into my car. just so i can play music and videos though it to my head unit. at somepoint takeing the sscreen and making a dash mount for it. dont know nothing aabout compters at all. is this do able. can i take the old laptop apart and part it out to make a smaller computer for the car. i have a 500gb extenal hard drive with all my music on it ipod ant biggnuff. any ideas plese

    i dont like haveing stuff that works just laying around i would rather use it you know

  3. lol. its all good

    if the auto sync option ISNT checked off, you should be able to safely plug in your ipod without it syncing all the songs in ur library to the ipod (in this case nothing)

    theres actually a program that you can rip music OFF of ur ipod..cant do it itunes, but i forgot what the program was called that lets you do that.....theres lots out there just google it, but there was one i used and liked but i cant remember the name for the life of me....

    yea i down loaded a few can only get 5 songs off the ipod. i have over 10000 to do

  4. in itunes theres an option to auto sync with ur library, and if the library is empty, which it prally is since u just reinstalled the OS, it did just that, it auto synced your empty library lol. uncheck that option before plugging in ur other ipod

    ok then what i know nothing when it comes to this stuff

    i know how to use it thats all not this other stuff and the itunes is diffrent from the one i had everything diffrent. i hate computers

  5. i had to whip out my puter and reload from start lost everything. i dont care about the most of the stuff but my music. i got itunes back and i have loaded all my songs on to it. keep music on other drive. but i lost my ipod playlist and when i went to change a song on my ipod i lost everything. how do i get it back. i have another ipod i keep in my car with all the playlist for everybodys ipods. i dont want to plug it in and whip out that one. how do i do it help please

  6. I have a dark colored car so all the dust shows and where I live wind kicks it up and just sets on my car so I had to find a solution since I don't like washing my car every day.

    got a clay bar kit the meguiars one that has a microfiber, 2 clay bars, and some spray quick detailer.

    the quick detailer works really nice to get rid of the dust with a microfiber and get my car clean again. you can buy just the bottle if you want well worth it.

    i use the mothers dust wand works ok dust sucks have the same problem i gave up thoe

  7. viniger and water and them brown paper towels work the best, to get water spots out, or take the time to iron the news paper. DONT USE WINDEX ON TINTS!!!!!! no amona based porducts with tint. sap sucks i used to rember how to get it off but it takes time. i think it uses a heat gun works to losen it up, oxy clean might work lemon juice, maybe. i am a pot head i dont rember much but i used to do re-con for a few used car dealers used to know a bunch of tricks. bathroom bubble works too.

  8. Ok so i dated a girl for nearly 4 yrs, she lived with me for a yr, and i had planned on asking her to marry me when i finished college. Well she broke up with me back in march and we havent talked since, well back in may, a guy i would consider my brother, text me asking if it was ok if he dated her, me being the guy i am said sure if it makes u happy, well they have been together for less than 5 months and hes in the marines and according to her havent seen each other more than 6 times since they started dating, but they are now engaged and plan on getting married on oct. 3, well tell me what would you do, would u go to the wedding and be the bigger man, or not go and allegedly dissapoint the groom? I am completely torn because i still care alot about her, but idk if id be able to go to the wedding and keep my mouth shut.

    go get a smokeing hott girl and bring her, show your ex that look at what i got now and still be there for the groom

  9. as soon as i get out of class i will try that and see what i get...

    other than that will i jsut have to part out and test???

    not sure how i would do that for the brain (if i have to replace that ill shit bricks)

    oh the head unit i dont know if this will work but maybe try to grond out the hu case dont think it will make a diffrent. but if all else fails

  10. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>">
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    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  11. just go easy on the clove oil. in higher doses(dont know how much) its deadly. so dont swallow a whole bottle. just dab a cotton swab and use as a topical solution around the tooth and gums...

    as far as the cloves go mash em up real good and a little tiny bit of the oil and make a paste. use it as a topical solution. just dont ingest alot of the cloves.

    my heart goes out to her ive been to the point of seriously taking 3-4 hydrocodone (not a good idea)

    no pain killers for her they make her sick

    i figure i crush a lil up in her food give her a few xanxa to put her to sleep tring to take her mind off it

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