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Posts posted by sebasstian

  1. i've done it before. all you have to do is take the pins out and you may have to take off some of the side pannels off to get it down. and depending on the type of lights and what not you have you can just pop out the lights or you might have to do it when its half down. and your car might also have other things like the glasses holders and stuff like that which you would have to refer to owners manual or forum to find out how to get those down. just some helpfull advice.

  2. Sorry for the caps but i had to get your attention somehow!! Are there any products for windows than can help eliminate some of the window flexx? Probably not!

    A really cool thing would be a window tint that helps to deaden some of the sound. Damplifier window tint?

    I got to thinking about that when my friend said "dude you need to do something about those big windows." This would be a cool thing if it really were out there.

    Let me know what you think, Unless you think it is a dumb idea, cause you never know, something good might turn out from it. Just like how people thought of the world being round.

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