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Posts posted by greatblack

  1. So i have a fi 18" q, and i dropped it into my baffle this weekend and guess what! there is a crack in the metal right below the surround. On the part that sits on/near the baffle.

    basically its bent the metal and it appears to be cracked all the way across but not all the way thru. It makes the surround sit a couple of millimeters above the rest. Of course i never saw this when i got the sub and its been sitting in my closet for a month or two. so i'm well past my 72 hour time of reporting a problem with my sub.

    is there anything i can do? should i just install it and see what happens.

  2. Ok heres how you find that sorry mo fo.

    1. Get shit straight with your girl behind the closed doors, don't let anyone know.

    2. Make it look like you and her split. put on a heck of a show.

    3. Wait for the sucker to make his move.

    Problem solved.

    Funny you said this...cuz its EXACTLY what I was thinking when I read the story/rant...

    I don't think it was a random hacker, because what would they have to gain from all that effort? Sounds like either a friend that wants your girl, or an ex-boyfriend who is trying (pathetically) to get his old girlfriend back.

    And once you find out who did all this...BEAT HIS FUCKING FACE IN. This person deserves it. I have a very small toleration for DUMB SHIT.

    ^^^^ this

  3. By speaker wire I assume you mean from your amp to your sub. Use 10 gauge on the FI. And for your question, OFC wire is OFC wire, just use what you can fit. Bigger isnt always better, but its never worse. (unless its shit wire)

    Not sure why youd save money by going with a 1/0 kit over a 4 awg kit myself...4 will be plenty and should be cheaper, I just buy it all individually instead of in kits. Im kind of OCD about having everything hooked up with 1/0 though, so I just use stepdown gauge adapters.

    Ive used knu wire, and I just much prefer the other brand names. Ive used tsunami and shok competition and consider them much higher quality wire. :shrug: Im also not one to normally fall into fads or bandwagons. Like kicker...I hate everything kicker.

    yes i ment sub to amp, and any ten gauge will do ? if i use bigger will it be bad for it ?

  4. So i plan on buying wire today for my first system. its an fi 18" on a aq1200. :yahoo: I was wondering what the best 4 gauge amp kit is. i was looking at knu and they have like ten different options http://www.knukonceptz.com/productMaster.cfm?category=Amp%20Installation%20Kits and i can't tell which one i would need. I've been searching for the best 4 gauge wire but everyone is always talking about 1/0 not 4.

    also would it be better to just buy a 1/0 gauge kit and get a distribution block?

    and then can i just buy some 4 gauge wire for my speaker wire to my sub? or is there a difference between power wire and speaker wire? (sorry for the noob questions)

  5. Does anyone else listen to him he is crazy he can rap so low and he isn't just rapping about money and women like most rappers his are more lyrical. Plus his song Yonkers has some low bass notes. Tell me what you guys think.

    i LOVE yonkers its got great base. and that video is crazy i love it. the silhouettes in it are awesome.

  6. can any one comment on the port volume ? please 80 - 140 leaves a big gap.

    12-16 square inches per cubic feet is the normal.

    How many cubes is your box after displacement?

    Take that number and multiply it by both 12 and 16. That gives you the range you are shooting for.

    ok thanks that helped a lot. how do figure out the displacement of a 45 in the port ? and if i need to change port size accordingly

  7. Hey so i'm building a box for my fi 18 Q The box is 7.1 cu before displacement. and the amp i'll be running is a aq1200.

    how much port area should i have ? some people have told me around 80 and others have said as high as 140. so thats a big gap so i figured i should ask.

    and what should i tune it to, i was planning on 30 hz and advise on that ?

    and one final question, and its probably a dumb one but i figured i should ask any way. Say my port is 6 inches wide and needs to be 32 inches long, and my box is 34 inches deep. does that mean i would make my port an L port and have it be 30 long with an L addition of 6 more inches. Or would i just build it straight ?

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