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Posts posted by greatblack

  1. so i designed a box for my fi q 18. its 7.1 cu f before displacement which is .25 or something close to that. this is going to be a sub up port back setup.

    using 3/4 inch mdf


    34 width 14 height 32 deep (inches)


    6 wide 12.5 high 24 long (inches) port area is 75" is that a good number. and i feel like 6 inches wide is really big. will i be ok? Someone told me i should have at least 80^2 of port area but to achieve that my port has to be 6.5 inches wide and i feel like 6 is already to big so i thought i'd ask.

    alternate Port with *81^2

    6.5 wide 12.5 high 26.35 long

    also do you think i need internal bracing? if so where, how, and what kind?

  2. hey so i saw a video a couple years ago and i just can't find it. any way in said video this guy had strips of what looked like little led lights and they were attached to his wire just like taped on with adhesive or something on the back. they would light up with his base, i'm assuming that it would sense to surge going to the amp or something. it would look sick to have my trunk light up when ever my subs hit.

    i didn't think that was possible. if it is and any one knows what i'm talking about throw a link up cause i want some haha.

    if that doesn't exist i'd still like to know how he did it if someone knows how.

  3. so i'm new to car audio and this will be my first box.

    sub: fi 18" q extra spider displacment .24 mounting depth 10" https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/sess/utn154d8e3b9096029/shopdata/0050_Speakers/0030_Q/product_overview.shopscript

    amp: aq1200

    space: i have an acura mdx its an suv 46" x 41" x 18" (would like to keep it below the window) plenty of space 15 cubes it a did my math right. (which i doubt)

    goals: to be as loud as possible while still sounding good. and be able to play all kinds of music decently and beat the lows. ( if its possible to have both )

    i'm thinking about going sub up port back as i've heard thats the best combo.

    my questions: should i use the full ten cubes maximum that fi suggests. will it still sound good. and if i do tune it all the way down at 28hz like the website says will my sub still be able to play rock or those higher notes on dubstep. or should i tune higher. will my sub be able to play fast and "higher" bass notes if i tune that low. how many sheets of mdf will i need. whats the best wood glue.

    can i mount my amp on my box or will that ruin it? i was thinking about using the extra mdf and attaching it to the back of my box. (away from eyes tomards the seats) just two strips as ten by four to mount my amp on either end so that there is air flowing through the center. and mounting my amp to that. good idea or bad idea. ?

    thanks in advance.

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