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Posts posted by steven

  1. X2. Optimum nutrition is the best combo of taste, quality and price. You can get a 10lb bag at a1supplements.com. Also, if you're not a professional body builder or using real 'roids, you don't need mass amounts of protien. Half a gram per pound of body weight. Make sure you eat carbs, good ones like whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and organic wheat bread. Lots of veggies and some fruit. Real food is still the best protien, just add in the whey like first thing in the morning and after workouts.

    OP, if you want more strength training/diet advice, pm me.

    X2 to this. A good rule of thumb to begin with is starting with your bmr to get your base calorie intake then multiply by your daily activity level. A sinple way to do this try multiplying your body weight around 14. Then on days your training consume and additional 300 calories in the form of complex carbs and on nontraining days cut your calories by 300 in the form of carbs. Keep your ratios around 50/33/17. Thats 50% total calories are carbs 33% percent of total calories from protein. and 17% fat. This is a decent foundation. Ps orionstang I saw you said in another thread you deadlifted 600 pounds good job. Thats my max as well and my favorite lift.

  2. The rated power, sedan-mazda protege, stock electrical with a battery in the back, idk what battery yet.

    Well the 10s definatley get the wow factor the lvl 5s I have them and people trip how loud they are I run 3500watts to each they get real loud. Some xl 12s would probably suit you nicely. With room to work with

    Edit... Stock electric you might want to go with lvl 3s

  3. Okay, I feel like I'm making way too many posts, even though this is only my second, but out of user experience, which should I go with? I have over 9 cubes after displacement of space, I'll prolly bring it down to 8. I'm wanting to tune around 28 hz, just to have that wtf reaction from people who sit in my car.

    there is no way of rec something if you dont put the vehicle, power your running, electrical ect...

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