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Posts posted by drumminian

  1. Have you charged your battery ever?

    How did you get it started when it does die? Jumpstart?

    my gfs car was doin this. she has a system so the first thought was battery, or alt. but it wouldnt even jumpstart. Ended up bein the fuelpump. which isnt a cheap fix.

    yeah my gf has a shitty ass battery charger at her house thing must be from the 70s lol but I hook it up to that over night some times the read out on the charger doesnt work so idk if it works too good.

    and yeah I jumpstart it lol got a jumpstarted box in my car ready to do work lol

  2. Disconnect the main power from the batt..

    put the dmm leads in line

    switch to amperage.

    make sure you switch the leads to the amperage draw postions..

    and it should give you a reading..

    A car in the off position should read no more then 60mA

    of course draw depends on things that you have that are energized when the vehicle is off... like alarms, security LED lights etc etc..

    You can take the value of the draw and check it against the batteries aH rating to see how long it should last before the battery dips below the 9volt state rendering the vehicle unstartable

    ok so theres not much amperage draw I got around 25mA so thats not the problem I guess I'm gonna need to buy a better battery

  3. ok so I've had my system in my car for the past 3 months and it's been fine, till this last month and a half. it's just been dying and dying all the time it's died on me the past 7 days straight. and I've had to jump it every fucking time unless I'm on a hill and can pop the clutch. The car is a 1997 toyota tercel and I have no idea how powerful the alternator on it was in the first place... the gains are set pretty low thought that would help but it didn't..

    example...last night my car sat for about 8 hours at and I woke up to go to the store and it was dead drove to the store which is about 2 miles with no radio turned on amps were off and everything and car died when I came back out of the store.

    so with having no money, and just getting laid off and having to buy books for school, and some how paying for my rent has made me come down to the conclusion that I need a new alternator or battery for as cheap as possible..which do you think needs replacing first..and there's no way and hell I'm gonna be able to buy a h/o alt from dom..$360 bucks is like freaking impossible for me to ever have

    so what do i need to do...?

  4. So My brother gave me his old viper 5000 that was in his car for a while for christmas it's in a box full of parts, I downloaded the installation guide from viper and I have no idea where to start. Does anyone know a video guide or some sort of better installation guide the one I have is only brief for each connection and doesn't tell me how to do it properly.

    I have a 1997 Toyota Tercel

    any help would be awesome I need this installed asap

  5. well I "won't" be able to make a box for m trunk the dimensions aren't enough to work with the biggest mock up I could make was only about 4.5 cubes unless I build the box inside of my trunk lol...The opening of my trunk is only 36"x15"

    max width is 36 max height is 15 and depth is 29" if you can come up with something that will fit in that let me know because I didn't get anything close that would work

    do you really think it will sound that bad? the cars only a 2 door so theres no real point for the back seats lol

    so unless I build the entire box inside my trunk it's mostlikely going in the back :/

  6. total port length is 25.75

    so u would enter 0 in for "square port length 2"

    i just guestimated them to be .3cuft together

    but u would divide 243.6 by 1728.... = .14cuft per sub

    ok awesome gotcha gonna sketch it up in sketchup real fast

    thanks for the help decaf

    any ideas on how much bracing I will need?

  7. too much port area

    shrink width to 36

    shrink port width to 5.25

    25.75 port length

    after all displacements (sub/bracing) it should be 6.2@35hz

    hmmm ok so I plugged that in to the calc and i only get 5.6@27hz

    also.how do I calculate the displacement of my subs Kickers manual says its 243.6 cu in but how do I integrate this into my design?

  8. come on nobody?

    I know the subs need around 3-5cu per sub

    and I want to build a ported box does anyone have anything they can show me to give me ideas I've been doing a lot of research but I still don't know where to start

    how should my box look? should the subs be in separate sections or one? please some one help

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