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Posts posted by ChampN252

  1. When I was at the local community college, I did people's work for them and got paid well. You wouldn't believe how many people struggle to use a computer or are just too lazy to their work. It was usually a whole semester worth of work and I got paid $100 for every job I did like that. I took me about 2 days. I need to go back and make more money. I've also thought about working street corner.....chicks only :santa:

  2. Fuck those things lol. I got one when they first came out. Took the first bite of tr sandwich andthe grease literally squirt out of the car and hit my side mirror. I didn't even eat the rest. Now that I think about it that was dumb because I love cheesesteaks and they are so greasy you see it through the bag lok

    That kinda reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons. I can't really remember what the show was about, but I know it had something to do with not eating the food if you you couldn't use the grease to see thru stuff.

  3. You picked the perfect card. Adding a second would guarantee there is no game you couldn't play. Liquid cooled would be icing on the cake. I personally wanted to go SLI GTX 480, but my PC crapped out, so I'm going back to car audio for a now.

    On an off note, I wanted to play the game Metro 2033 so bad. I need a PC capable of doing that. With two 470s, you could whip it.

  4. ah, my kinda thread. They are nice card. There a tech site I goto and the people love them. I know they are monster overclockers. If you are hardcore, you can put GTX 480 bios on it and probably get close to that kinda performance. This series of NVIDIA cards scale very well. You would see huge gains by getting another. Got a couple of Qs. What resolution are you gaming at? That would be a factor in adding another. You sticking with stock cooling, going aftermarket, or liquid cooled? That also determine how well it would OC and if you wanted another. Most people say one is plenty. I know they are strong cards.

  5. I just got 2 Memphis power reference 15's in a ported box. I was looking at their site and they recommend 250 watts RMS. The amp I have in there is a Arc Audio KAR 900.1D. The box says:

    RMS Power Bridged @4 ohms 1x 900 watts

    RMS Power @ 2 ohms 1x650

    RMS Power @ 4 ohms 1x400

    I have it hooked up at 2 ohms and it is barely moving the sub. I had 1 12 before and that was louder. I figure I need a better amp, so any suggestions

    And what other things would be smart to do? Batteries, alternator, etc.

    Subs work properly? They are decent for a reference line. I've heard 6 PR 12's walled and I, myself, was gonna do 4 PR 15"s walled in my truck. The box tuning is probably playing a role in this more than anything. 650 is good power for two.

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