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Posts posted by squeak

  1. I still have my 1999 GT Performer hanging in the parents garage. It was heavy and the ACS stealth mags were weak, but the look of the bike is what kept me on it. Loved that bike, put it through hell. Not sure whats a good brand nowadays. When I quit riding, it was Mosh, GT, Haro, DK, Hoffman. Not sure if thats the case anymore. My favorite bikes that I had were GT Fueler, GT Bump, Mosh DJ3, my GT Performer. All heavy, but I was comfortable on the trails and street with them. I think I might get the ol bike down this summer and see what I can still do. Good luck finding a bike bro, I went through a lot of them looking for one I really liked.

    true dude yea the kawasaki was the first bmx bike ive ever had, i think it was about as old as me but i only paid like 5 bucks for it lol, i like light bikes cause im a little guy lol 6 foot but only 120 lbs haha n ill have to check into some of the brands u mentioned

  2. I'm looking to get a new bike, i had a old ass kawasaki z1 or something n it broke on me today. I'm lookin for a decent bike for under 300 bucks. I went to walmart but all they had was a couple mongoose bikes that were ugly as fawk. So anybody know some decent brands? cause i really dont know any besides what my friends have, Next, Mongoose, ect... any help would be appreciated

  3. yeah ive got mine too lol. i even think i have the memory card for the N64 where i last left off with it.

    its amazing how ahead of the time that game really was for when it came out. i dont remember the graphics being that blocky but it was such an awsome game.

    i remember the dam, the cradle, the jungle, the snow-radar level was my favorite - the one that was outside with the trailers all over hte place.

    so cool lol

    haha i havent played it in so long i dont remember anything, i remember when i first got it i would play multiplayer and owning all of my friends hahaha it was good times

  4. sounds like a timming issue... BUT the way yuo said it was idling at 2500RPM maens it was sucking air some where...bad intake gasket?

    cant really cheak the exhaust for mist coming out since its so cold.. but if there is a white or blue smoke instead of steam or what ever then you have a bad head gasket.. but if theres no sign of lost coolant then thats not the issue...

    yea, the only colored smoke that comes out was today n it was black n when it runs at low rpm's it loads up really bad the exhaust actually makes my eyes burn, but idk why it would be loading up that bad, if it was timing wouldn't it have come up on the scanner when we had it hooked up? i'm really at a loss with this thing

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