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Posts posted by squeak

  1. was it over heating before or anything like that. is there water in your oil or oil in your coolant... the only thing i can think of is a blown head gasket.. if you can get it to start look for mist coming out the exhaust

    nope its never overheated or anything like that, no coolant in the oil or anything, that was the first thing i checked n i'm gonna try to start it again tomorrow when its not 20 below, n it was plugged in so i know it didn't have to do with that

  2. damn, i still got my 94' and she runs beautifully, only thing i can think of is if its throwing a code try and get an OBD on it. Sorry i couldnt offer any helpful advice, never had that problem before.

    damn haha, its alright dude, yea it was acting around august too missing n popping n stuff, we hooked a scanner up to it n it didnt throw any codes n the next day it came out of it n ran just fine until now, but it always started n stuff before so i really dont know

  3. alright so i have a 97 dodge ram 1500 with the 318, when i went out to start it this morning the battery was dead so i put the charger on it, when i went back outside to try it again it would turn over but wouldn't start, it fires but just wont pop off. i tried starting it several times but no luck and i don't have a clue whats wrong with it, it has new plug wires n plugs. what do u guys think? any help would be appreciated thanks

    EDIT: also yesterday when i was driving it was idling really high, like 2500 rpm's, and when it wasn't idling that high it would barely run n would pop n miss (the only way i can explain the sound is a firecracker going off in a coffee can haha)n almost die, i'm really at a loss with this guys please help me out

  4. alright guys so here's the deal, i've been with my girl for almost 7 months now n the past month or so we have been fighting quite a bit. especially the past few weeks because i have been going out of town to help my buddy who is having a hard time, n the first time i went she flipped out because i didn't come back when i thought i was going to because i got stormed it, n i just went down again this weekend which i told her i was going to, but she is flipping out because she didn't get to see me today, but she knew i wasn't gonna be back in time cause i told her this morning. this fighting n her flipping out has been continually getting worse and worse. i really don't know what to do here she is asking for another chance but i don't know. what do you guys think?

  5. sorry to hear that man. i had a buddy drink and drive and blew a stop sign. got hit and killed. then a week later, another friend hung himself. drugs and alcohol. bad news. sucks bad. oh, and they were both named john. don't make friends with people named john. they are trouble

    lol i'll keep that in mind, but yea losing friends sucks, i've known a few ppl that have committed suicide but this was one of my close friends so its hitting me pretty hard

  6. That really adds a whole different dimension to it. I found out about my friend after the fact. I couldn't imagine knowing about it happening and not being able to do anything about it. At least your have your girl to help you out.

    yea for sure man i'd be lost without her, i wanna just go get totally hammered but i gotta resist the urge, i've been sober for a yr now n it would totally ruin everything, i'll just have to tough it out

  7. it hasn't been a good day for me at all, one of my best friends committed suicide tonight so i'm pretty tore up, he was texting me for most of the day and i tried n tried to talk him out of it but he wouldn't listen. i guess shit got really bad for him n he didn't wanna go back to prison...it was really hard to understand him he was so messed up on zanex...n the worst part for me was he text me sorry n goodbye right before...this is the first time one of my close friends has done that...idk if i'm in shock or what...i really don't know how to react

    R.I.P brandon you will be missed

  8. I would say personally that motor and basket would not be a good platform to build a woofer on, those speakers were a budget speaker atleast the ones i have seen hence budget motor budget basket

    Save the money youd spend on trying to rebuild that one and talk to forevrbumpn i think i spelled it right or ssackett and figure out what you would need to build your own speaker from the ground up

    my .02

    that's what i meant my bad, yea i wanna build one from the scratch, that volfenhag is a bonafied piece of crap haha i got them cause they were cheap...bad idea, learned my lesson on buying cheap shit haha

  9. IMG00067-20091219-0151.jpg

    burnt VC's smells horrible haha made my whole room smell


    i tried gettin the screws out to take the magnet off but i couldnt get 'em

    I'm sure nobody really cares but idc lol I've never done this before n now i wanna try making my own sub I think it would be pretty fun. Anybody know where a good place to get everything to make my own woofer?

  10. it this is going to be starter system bc my team going to hook me up with 2000 peak 1200 rms and 1 10" dd2500 and im going car show with that and thi march im going to car show with my sarter sysem yea

    nice nice, we dont have any car shows or anything where im from so im just gettin it to show off a lil, who knows i may upgrade eventually, anyway keep us all posted its lookin good

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