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Posts posted by NcHalfrican

  1. Nice work... i find carpet a little easier to work with, your box doesnt have to be completely smooth for it to look good...

    i remember when i built my 1st T-line with a pair of old ass pionner 10's... they hit reall low... im sure your happy with your T-line

    hehe good times, eh?

    ya im extremely happy...hell of alot better than my old box

    nice build.....i would paint

    thanks man, im thinking about putting some wood stain on it...i like the natural wood look but still havent decided

  2. finally got to build my box...not much but im excited none the less



    ignore the dirty house in the background haha





    ran out of MDF, so had to use some spare Particle board :(


    putting the old box to good use haha



    little bro chillin' in my old box...ya, the port was horribly out of tune


    turned out pretty good...this mofo gets low...dont know if im gonna carpet or paint


    made some videos :D

  3. I would check out 2 DD1508's($175 a piece from my dealer) or 2 Sundown Sa-8's($119, not sure if they have started shipping tho), could get a box(not sure on prefab prices)or make one(for like 30 bucks worth of wood) to go under your back seats...Sundown Sae-1200d for like $275...I've heard good things about the Pioneer Premier DEH-P510UB h/u which is $145 on ebay...and if you did the wiring yourself, you can get a 4 gauge Knukoncepts kit for 50 bucks...hope that helped

  4. Ok, so i have a Labrador, with some husky and god knows what else in there, and she is about 2 years old now. This morning i got up to turn my alarm off and she woke up, she sleeps on my bed with me, and started freaking out...barking like crazy, running back and forth through my room trying to get out and acted like she had no idea who i was. My other dog, a German shepard ran in and they went at it for a second before i could break them up; we got my german shepard outside, but my lab continued to run around barking and was foaming at the mouth at one point. After about 10 minutes i got her calmed down, but she continued to act like she wasnt sure who i was but none the less was calm and back to here goofy self. She acted normal the rest of the day and is currently sleeping next to my feet. I'm really worried and not sure what to do...i dont have the cash to go to the vet atm...was wondering if yall had, had any encounters like this.

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