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Posts posted by hk-renob

  1. Don't you mean you want it vertical so it can suck in all the air?

    If its horizontal then its laying flat and the bottom of the 360 cant get air to it like it will went is vertical so nothing is obstructing the bottom of the 360...that's the way mine is, just got it last Sept.

    no he meant horizantal. vertical would mean its (standing tall=bad) and by the way the all of the new xbox's have the extra heatsenk, thats there new inprovement, but if you trash it, it will red ring. best thing to do is play it safe and keep it as cold as you can. O and keep away from pet hair if at all possilbe and smoke. And yes ps3's go down a lot more than ppl think.

  2. I may be a noob in car audio but i knows my xbox, and anyone doing the towel trip is a stupid to do so. Plus it depends on what red ring you have, if its the E74 you have to pay to get it fixed, that were your skalar chip has gone bad.(E74 one flashing red) If not and its the three flashing lights, then its the soder on your master chip has been melted away. the towel trick heats the soder so it melts again and will resoder itself, good in theary but it really just frys the soder so it breaks any chance of a repair. How ever there is a right way to do this were u have to open the box and so on. with all that being said microsofts fix even is only covered for i think three weeks.

  3. Sounds good. Is that setup gonna be as loud as I think it is? Im not just a noob punk looking for bass, trust me I been reasearching like 2 years at systems and im hooked on dc sound lab and Audioque......Or possibly RE......Arent RE SE 12's the same price as level 3 12's? Which one is better?

    haha man these guys cant read minds, we have no idea how loud "you" think they will be/ should be. RE makes great subs as well, so just go with what u want more.

  4. well ok i can do that, the trunk space is L 33", D 43", H 21", and i could go a little higher. its a suv so i have a nice hatch. I would like the speakers facing up and the port to the rear at the hatch. Nothing fancy just a rectangle box. as for music all types, from techno, to heavy metal with a lot of double bass, or even some bass mekanik. as for the sub spec i dont what u want, I mean hey i could write the whole owners manual. :vava:

  5. hey guys I need your help. Im going to build a two cell slit ported box, ported to 33hz for 2 12's. they are alpine type x's. The problem im having is i cant seem to find a sticky that would tell me how to get the right dementions and what not, i dont know what im doing so any direct would be great. how ever i have built a sealed box but a freind gave me the the dementions for the cuts. and please dont tear me up i know im a noob, and i do apologize for it.

  6. see that shit is fucked up...

    I couldnt stand by and take fucking pictures... some of them motherfuckers would have had the shit beaten out of em...

    My sister and wife were both almost kidnapped and god knows what could have happened to them... I would go to fucking prison because of what i would do if i saw that shit happening and i was able to stop it.

    I agree those who just watched are just as fucked up as the one doing the raping. how do u not step in and stop somthing like that or go and at least get someone who will.

  7. "all the way huh? so you have an HO alt picked out? what batteries are you going with? how many runs of power and ground? what size wire? are you ok with the subs tearing apart your car? cause they will break stuff.

    not trying to badger you, just want to make sure you know about the electrical side. since you only have 15 posts i just assume your relatively new to car audio.

    when it comes to a setup like this, its not so much about what type of box. its more about what can fit. ill guess you wont have much other choice than to go subs up, port up. use a lot of bracing. use a few pieces all thread. id go more into it but its late and im tired."

    I will say no, but i do know that yes i need all of these things multiple batteries, and multiple alts. ya subs up but i was thinking port to hatch? and ya i know it will kill my car. but truth be told the car is already going. im going to brace the hell out of it, but u see this is the type of feed back i want. All those are still unanswered questions. and buy the way post mean nothing, only that u have been on the forum for some time. and ya i would say im new to car audio im only on my 3rd system and i have a lot to learn about going big. But if u are willing share some wisdom with me. thats why im on here. looking for those guys that have years under there belts for advise.

  8. i dont know if this is the right spot for this but im looking to do a big build when i get out of boot camp. I just want to get a full idea of what im doing before im looking at all the stuff. I want to build a ported box for four 18''s and want to know what the different styles are and opotions i could go with. the car is a 99 ml320 mercedes benz suv. {dont want to do a wall} any advise would be great thanks. O ya the subs are RE MTs.

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