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Posts posted by gene

  1. So im going to order a FI SSD 12". But Im a noob and have some questions.

    1) Will the Flatwind coil option make that big of a difference? Same with the BP option? And what are these?

    2)I have no idea what QTS is. So should I go with standard or H-Qts Sealed?

    3)Whats a nice amp to power this sub? I'll be running it in a ported box, in a Acura Integra Hatchback coupe.

    Anything helps, just looking to get on board with my fellow pounders. Thanks guys.

  2. My SH**TY first system is composed of a Visionik 12" Sub in a sealed box, with a 3 or 5 hundred watt amp. Im not sure. But my problem is that about a week ago, I flipped my sub to face up so that it wouldn't be bouncing off of the back of my seat, and since my amp has gone into protect mode. I flipped it back over, checked all the mires, fuses, EVERYTHING. the sub is good and all. I cannot figure out why it keeps going into protect mode. If i take the wires out of the back of the sub and put them back in it will turn green, but as soon as i play music the sub with hit for about 1 second before the amp shuts off and turns back to protect mode. PLEASSEEE HELP.

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