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Posts posted by Fraze

  1. Can you give us the formula? I'd like to try it myself.

    Heres the formula I use ethat I got from him. You can also use duraglass. Much stronger.

    "I put in 16oz of body filler + 7oz of resin...... mix well. I use a mixer and a drill. Then add 5cc of MEKP hardener and mix again.

    If it is over 90 degrees out, less MEKP.

    This mixture is just a little less liquid than latex paint."

  2. Yes please do a vid of how you make your "milkshake",LOL!!!! (that's really gay) But seriously, I'm doing a mini project for my nephew and this would definitely help me out. If you could atleast pass along the formula, I can start experimenting.

    Thanks a million.

    I'll try and do a vid this weekend. I just dont want to waiste it. I'm doing another set of panels next week though.

    Go some wrapping done, still need to cut my piece to go around my speakers.

    It will be black snake skin up top and around the speakers, black vinyl where I wrapped it in the middle.





  3. Sorry for the late post. Yes it was very risky painting outside, and it didnt work well. I have to sand and reclear them. I just wanted to see how well it would work. Im goign to put together a small visqueen(sp) booth next time.

    I can make a vid of the milkshake if you guys really want one. It does work well, but it has its applications. I was not the creator of it, epicenterdesigns was and i belive he is on here. just dont want to take credit for something he showed me.

    Thanks everybody. Should be getting my material should be here friday and I will have them wrapped up and gona do some more work.

  4. Thanks. I'll keep the udpates coming. I just ordered my material last night to wrap the top parts. I decided im changing the whole interior.

    I would build doors for anyone on here who would want them done, I'm already working something out with somone on CA actually.

    Its not a gelcoat, its a "milkshake". (resin and body filler mixed up and painted on). Its actually very strong.

  5. haha thanks. I had alot more with alot more build pics, but when I tried to submit it said it was to many and I didnt wana keep having to make new replies. im lazy lol. I like this forum alot, I dont see alot of bashing and pointless arguing. And alottt of really nice builds. Not to mention Meades builds. I got a little chubby when I saw that he was redoing his system when I joined last night. Now i have to speed up on my build :tease:

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