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old dude

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Posts posted by old dude

  1. i am probably going to a 1x event this weekend because it is only 110 miles away and i was wondering if i can play a tone or will it have to be music? i am doing pretty good on 39hz so if it is music i will have to find some for that range. i had a bad weekend last week and still got a third at a 2x. so i guess i have to keep trying.

  2. The trick is minimal voltage drop. If you are playing music, then that's not going to yield the highest possible numbers. You would have to know at which frequency the pressure peaks in your car, play that frequency only for a short burst, then be done. Playing any more than that is useless.

    ok i thought thats what i was seeing other people do. i have a metter and i have my boxes tuned to 39 but i have not checked out the resonant freguecny of the van yet so i may have to retune the box for that.

  3. i have done two db drags and one thing i have noticed is that when i hear other people do there runs it sounds like there systems pound realy hard for the first five seconds and then i dont hear anything for the rest of the run. i thought it was a score bassed on thirty seconds but i dont know. do i have to run the full thirty seconds all out or not?

  4. i did not see some of the DC crew that was there last time. I had a tuff day i pulled a set of rca plugs off an amp while it was powered insted of shuting it off and that smoked a new amp. then i learned that i cant use my ipod for a music source which i already new but forgot. i had to qualify with one level 5 18" on on a cd which aint what i am used to 147.1 on one sub not dailed in for what i was doing aint too bad though. i was testing before the show at 154 and change. then on the 170 mile trip home my van kept lossing oil pressure. i also blew the rear view mirow during the morning test. the DC level 5s came through all this crap with out a whimper.

  5. who ever the dip shit was that moved this to an electrical section must be as tarded as bills. a smog pump removal is a mechanical procedure. i knew i would get some good feedback in the section i posted in so eat me. i just got done with the job and everything is pluged off. now i can start building the brackets for the fourth ho alt. if some of you all dont want to help someone out thats cool but dont be an a hole it just makes you look week.

  6. No, I live in NY. That car is my Uncles.. It's fast as f***! I'll let him know what u think about it, thanks though. I'm only 15 so I'm not driving yet.

    i have level 5s and what i do is run a pair of wires to each coil that way i can use the max amount to each push terminal. i then run them out through the port opening. i mark each wire with numbers so i can do whatever ohms i want at the amp. as for the exact wire size there are so many companies selling wire that is called 8 or 10 guage that i could not tell you a size that would be the max. the best way to get the max is to run four wires to each sub

  7. This would have been an excellent TV add for DC subs. I was at a wedding reception last weekend and there were lots of people wanting to sit in my van for a demo of the level 5s. One of the quests at the reception is a current UFC champ. The guy got in shut the door and I told him I would do thirty seconds of Nine Inch Nails for his demo he taped out at about 15 seconds in real pain from a temporary ear drum problem. I am so glad it was temporary too because I think he could have hurt me. Not going to say who it was with out his permission but I think it would make an awesome commercial for DC subs.

  8. i made some distrabution blocks today at work that will acept 0 gauge wire. my van is not my daily driver and my battery storage area is behind a walled off area from everything else so i am trying to get away with flooded batteries insted of jell type. i bought two more 120 amp hour 750 cranking amp batteries for about 100 bucks each new. my blocks worked out nice and i already had the wire but i did not see much difference in how fast my voltage droped. there is another db drag coming up next weekend and it looks like i will have to go back to one amp for that event because i still cant get more than four seconds out of two amps before i drop below 12volts. it was a discrouriging afternoon i also poped a solder line on my multimeter when i was checking voltage so i will have to fix that yet tonight.

  9. The AP 3000 is 1500 x 2 @ 1 ohm and 3000 x 1 @ 2 ohms. There's no way you're getting 5500w per sub..pretty sure you completely made up that number.

    i was going by what termpros site says tell can do at 14.4 1ohm which they are not made for but can do for a thirty second db drag without going into protect my numbers are not figuring in imp rise but my tune is fair so i should be close on the numbers if the termpro test were good and they usualy are

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