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Posts posted by Moonwitch_Mama

  1. I am a HUGE suppoter of this cause, in my lifetime I have raised a couple thousand dollars for thr Finding the Cure Fund, and as For Your Cause, Helping Your Mother in Law, in 30 minutes check paypal! You are awesome for cooking up this surprise for her!

    If you do the charity show, make sure it is taped and she gets a copy of it! She would treasure it, need a card made for her? I could make it, 3-D and send to you or my brother, just let me know!

    I will light a healing candle for her, she is in my thoughts!

  2. We had a group of young adults in the next town where I live get caught for dog fighting, and they all got 3 years for running the rings and endangering the dogs. Please bear in mind, no dogs were killed thank goodness, so how fair is it that this asshole wont get whats coming to him from our Justice Dept.? Maybe it is time We the People remember that once long ago actually had a role in how our Country was ran, and maybe it is time we did again.

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