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Posts posted by cubs_fan0718

  1. Me and a couple friends last night had bought 2 cases of Coors Light, and drank both of the cases and a few extra in the fridge between the 3 of us. Most of them got drank playing the card game asshole.

    Me it doesnt matter as long as its not a full flavor domestic beer, i like light beers, except when i go to BWW then i gotta drink that Sam Adams from the tap.

    EDIT: I'll drink the shit outta some 'Ronas gotta be that Extra Not the Light.

  2. Id personaly tell ur "friends" to keep thier hands of YOUR stereo. In my ride only i, the driver, am allowed to turn the volume up or down and change songs. Your friends are some dumbass' if they do that shit on purpose i'd punch them in the face.

    I try to get them to stop but they don't listen haha I will punch them next time....

    Screw the punching i got something better, next time they do that shit act like everythings cool, then go to someplace away from ur home and thiers like 10 miles or so to a park or someplace where everyone gets out of the car then lock it up, go and do whatever for a lil bit then when going back to ur car only unlock ur door get in and drive away leaving them sorry excuses for friends behind.

  3. Game 1 was probly the best the Bulls have played throughout the whole playoffs so far. Game 2 is tonight and it is really critical that Bulls play like they did in G1, if they show up like they did then the Heat are going to have a hard time keeping up. We have a better team regarding Defense and with are younger group of players we can wear them down on offense.

    Personaly i'd like to see Taj pull off another MONSTER dunk over D-Wade and hurt his ego a lil more, Noah will hopefully dominate the Boards, Rose shows up and plays like he has all year, and maybe a lil Hot Sauce to spice things up a bit. Oh it'd also be nice for that big bastard from Turkey to continue to Asik and Destroy.

    I'm hoping the Bulls will take it in 5 or 6 games, then it will send the "Big 3" into the offseason.

  4. Party Foul, Beer Abuser. It prolly tastes like crap because its outdated. I think ML is ok but as i type this im drinking me some Coors Light, if i drink ML its gotta be outta a keg or bottles a dont like it when its in a can.

    Coors is the ish for beer. I prefer mixed fruity drinks...I know its feminine lmao

    If i drink any mixed drink its Hennessey or courvoisier n redbull or only with sprite in a lil lemon, Jager bombs or jack n cokes other than that its all beer 4 me.

  5. Party Foul, Beer Abuser. It prolly tastes like crap because its outdated. I think ML is ok but as i type this im drinking me some Coors Light, if i drink ML its gotta be outta a keg or bottles a dont like it when its in a can.

  6. HELP!!! lol waits a min....... HELP!!! no one comes because the restrooms in the back of the store lol.

    Operator: 911 what is your emergency?

    Dude: Uh, yeah, um, well im stuck on a toilet seat in a wal-mart bathroom.

    Operator: What sir say that again.

    Dude: Repeats himself

    Operator: Sir, it is a class 4 felony to prank call 911, this is for emergencys only.

    Dude: WTF u mean this is a emergency im effin stuck to a effin toilet seat!

    Operator: Sir, explain to me what happened.

    Dude: yeah i went to take the Browns to the super bowl i sat my ass down on the toilet seat and i got stuck.

    Operator: Sir, have you tried standing up?

    Dude: NO , i didnt think of that, Of course i tried to stand up, it almost ripped my ass hairs out wtf you think!?

    Operator: okay sir, we are sending units to ur location, please be sure to wipe and flush before they get there.


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