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Posts posted by kmalinich

  1. same thing happens on my bonneville with my sense wire mod on my alt. i'm always at 15.6v when it's cold.... it was -2 degrees F here and i hit 16v (once).. i was pretty excited to play my system .. then i realized.. i can't bump in 0 degree weather. and of course by the time the woofers are warmed up and the car is warmed up so i can play.. back down to 14.8v again..

  2. well didn't i just get taught :D

    and in my post i mixed up the words smaller and bigger. i guess my Adderal is wearing off.

    and i didn't know it was wrong. i was actually misinformed.

    i just had a feeling i was wrong. box design isn't my thing.

    and so .. OP.. sorry ...

    and ... i'm done being off topic and being in this thread.. made a fool of myself enough already...

  3. impedence rise is from the voice coil heating up as well... it occurs over time...

    and i thought a bigger box has more power handling because the woofer needs to move more air out of the port. same reason bigger box with same port length as a smaller box is tuned higher

    idk.. someone will post on this thread and they will know for sure

    just wait.. they'll quote me and be like, "this is wrong"

  4. so you're stepping down or up in power?

    assuming up.. what effect would that have on your box needing to be smaller? that would raise the tuning frequency ... assuming you keep the port length the same.

    and the SMD woofers are huge.. so they naturally make your box a little smaller.. less air volume...

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