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Posts posted by rc.btl

  1. run 4 gauge wire and get a saz 1000 as suggested itll be clean and loud as a first system... also run rcas on the oppisite side of the power wire and make sure a solid ground and all that. just turn the gain down and be careful with it. if you really want go to a local shop and have the o-scope everything

  2. i think the door handles look better painted. Completely shaved is cool but i like the handles as well. Wanna know what i think? Its already done, what you see is what it is. thats what i think LOL.

    not even meade cherry leather on the seats or box or maber the doors?? idk if thatd look good to you but i think it be pretty sweet but just throwin it out there

  3. More lil 10in Monstas popping up in the world :) I love it :)

    Ill shoot ya some box specs to play with that will work great in ur GP;)

    Alright and thanks again for all your help thor... does any of these box designs have like a spl/daily thing such as like a removable port or somethin like that? i want to be good for daily yet still hit good #'s. i kno if i want numbers i shouldve gone with bigger subs and such but i needs some room for teh golf clubs :)

  4. yeah i could upgrade but atm i like it and nolthing really gets warm just it clips at full tilt and it bothers me so im tryin to fix it haha in the future i plan on 2 dc xl 18's on 5krms in a suv or walled in my car:) till then this is my bump future plan is prob at the end of high school.

  5. also full tilt i have my stinger vm hooked to my amp and i see about 12.5 to 12.6 volts yet my aq bass knob clip light goes crazy and im not sure why so i am anal about it and rarely turn it up haha i couldnt live with myself if i blew up my btl. i also havent got it warm i let it rip for the entire decaf song. and it looked like it was really movin and i was scared it was gonna be really warm and verything was still cold cept my amp was jus a lil warm

  6. that is pretty much what the shop said so i guess they are pretty reliable.. but they couldnt explain to well how to know if ur clippin.. ?? how do you know? and is their different levels of clipping like if my s goes 2inch of the page is that worse then .2inches of the page?

  7. ive played my btl on my 2200d at 1 ohm for about a month now and its still not broken in!!!! idk exactly how much power is comin out of it though and not sure if its clipped. so i have now went through at least 4 pages on this clipping then and cant really get it. so if someone could explain this in detail thatd be nice. also a guy at my shop told me clipping is like when u have a sine wave and its a wavy line or somethin like that and u start clipping when that lines goes up and straight instead of wavy. true?? idk just tryin to clean up my system and figured this could be a decent start.

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