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Posts posted by BlurdvisionKustomz

  1. this guy went to highschool with me for a few years!! haha to think i used to party with him sometimes.....

    buckled those cheesballs in tho damn i wanna find me a woman whose mother will support me damn where they all at??lol

    but imao since he drove drunk no respect cause he coulda ended someones life even his own but i say this lightly glad hes ok never wish any harm on anybody.

  2. ok guys i am new to all this box building stuff most of people i deal with always want show n go BUT not for my demo cars. i have two aa havocs i talk to scott yesterday and he said they like to have a port tuning of 28-33 hz. So, my question is i need a box that is five cubes in a margian between 28-33 i assume the lower the hz the lower the sub will play so maybe 30? not for sure u guys are the pros well thanks in advance oh and the are going into a 89 cavalier and an 88 beretta dont laugh! i will get the damn box in if i could find some design/ dimensions well thank again guys and also i was to learn how to do this so i am not always askn question and bothern ya guys thanks again.

  3. yes trailblzer, here in indiana the roads were solid ice had to get a friend from work. about five minutes from home going north ass end came around and she is not experianced with correcting it hence "needs to play in parking lots imo" over corrected spun around to the other side going south slid ten foot into side ditch passenger side, sunk into snow and just lighlty layed it over no broken glass or bags, she had turned around to see if i guy that slid off in front of here was ok and the proceeded to come home go fuckn figure she was being watched over that night. my father in law does auto interior so he gets alot of side curtin bags from auto body shops the ones that are built onto the seats and so we have alot of connections at auto body shops but hey its only a car lookn ta fix and keep right on truck hell i drove it all over yesterday and getting ready to leave now ha, never thought it but yea glad she ok she was worried that i was mad and exact word fuck it i buy another and it paid off ne ways paid cash last year 3500. i buy salvage cars and rebuild them so hella deal well thank you guys for the kind comments.

    sorry bout the run on sentace just easier for me to type as i think then stop n start

    again thanks guys for being kind.

  4. well i get a call at 11 last night the woman crying and screaming she rolled the car so i thought fuckn great its trashed! well i call a couple of friends and got the rollback and it was just laying on its side didnt break glass or anything, so we took the rollback pulled it over and waited a minute and the damn thing started still drives great just a little bit more dents i bought it salavge and how i bought is hoow it is being drove not really any damage drove home and starting the parts hunt passenger side quarter fender and mirror also maybe two doors i will get pics tomorrow.


  5. For daily I wouldn't run 6kw to a single Mayhem by any means, but for a pair it would be perfect.. Burps is another story though, a single Mayhem in the right enclosure shouldn't have any issues handling a 6kw burp. Another thing is running an AP30001D @ 1ohm, it can be done but not very successfully. The 2 boards don't like seeing .5ohm each for daily and they gain a lot of heat, without gaining a lot of power over running it @ 2ohms daily like suggested. Why do u have to run it at 1ohm daily?? Being a dealer I'd think you'd have access to a pair of either D1s or D4s and wire each woofer to 2ohms daily.

    Also if you were to call AA and ask these questions to them they'd be more than willing to help you out.. You being a dealer they will actually let you know what the woofers are truly capable of handling, rather than abiding by the warranty guidelines if they were speaking to a regular customer. At the shop I used to work at we used to talk to company reps all the time about what the products can truly handle, not just how we suggest that the customer runs them.

    What exact shop do u own?? Just seems very strange how everything is worded and the questions asked, you being a shop owner and all.

    Blurd Vision Kustomz it is tied in with my father in laws auto upolstrey busniess one phone both businesses for now its a little confusing but thnks for the info jus wat i needed thanks bro

  6. honestly, all your questions have been answered on this forum many times over, so no need to get all worked up. and as far as the pipe amp @.5 ohm..thats a big negative

    thanks that wat i was needing mainly i have heard the ap aqx or sum have checked is supposed to be able to hanlde the .5 stability but rated at 1ohm i used to hang out over at ca.com forum but everybody was nasty hey if anybody want specs on the new amd aa has let me kno i cant sell on here but i can give specs later when scott emails them to me they should be ready in about a week and a half steve has to sign the dust cap and sum other stuff didnt know if i was supposed to say but srry if not.

  7. fine then never mind then dont worrry bout it aa said that it couldnt handle daily BUT i didnt know if ne one tryed before i do it also can the ap handle a .5 ohm load daily??? i was jus asking a question and also who in the right damn minds is going to tell a fealer of their prduct with a warrenty that is can handle 6 grand daily i sure wouldnt dam is this ca forum over here??

  8. hi guys new here one quick question i have a custom shop and working on a sound car spl. i carry ab and aa i am looking at the mayham 12's or 18's and also the smd which will be ready to order in about a week and a half so if ya near me in indiana hit me up can the aa mayhams handle a 6000 watt daily or atleast a burp let me know looking at the audio pipe 3000 rms at 1 ohm for cost issues. thanks guys

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