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Posts posted by Reallunacy

  1. How's it faster? it uses the same stuff. That price I threw out there was with the same processor, same HDD (at least in terms of speed/size. probably not brand) Both have a 1 gig video card. Both have 1080p screen and blu-ray. Also on the Alienware, I picked the lower of the options if I didn't know what the Sony had. Like I said I configured them the same way.

    Since Alienware got bought out by Dell, they use the same quality components. I just don't see paying that much more for a Dell with a pretty case.

    Edit: That ASUS does have 2gigs more ram and a slightly larger screen than the sony, however you are 100 over your budget. The ram is a cheap, easy fix down the road if you get the sony, but to some people the inch you gain with the ASUS may be worth it.

  2. lol, you could always fiberglass the laptop to your likings. I'm sorry, I lost a lot of respect for Alienware when they got bought by Dell.

    Edit: I configured the 15.4 inch Alienware to be the same as the 1 I linked you, and it came out to 2,200

    Ideally this link will take you to the configured.


  3. Find a few good brands and call them up and see if you can get a small discount to get you going. When people go to shops, they prefer to not have to have all their product ordered in afterward.

    Please do quality work.

    Also make a myspace and facebook account for your company.

    Keep some online and physical albums of your work, and make sure you get the customers permission.

  4. I'm fairly sure you don't "really need it" but if you ever decide to upgrade you probably will and at that point you will have paid for 4 as well as 1/0. The reason everyone says to go 1/0 is for that. Also with wire, bigger is always better.

    Edit: And please use the appropriate fuses, we don't like hearing about peoples cars/systems burning down.

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